Thinking about selling my Colt HBAR


New member
I havent shot the darn thing in 8 or 9 years, really never liked it a whole lot. It is kind of boringly accurate if you understand what I mean. The trouble is I wouldnt know what to ask for it. You see such a wide variety of prices being asked for them I just wouldnt know where to start.

Anyone have any idea?



New member
With what happened tonight I know but I really havent seen a use in having it. I have thought about getting rid of it and getting a Mini-14 Target that Ruger brought out this year.



New member
I have an Eagle Arms HBAR I bought pre-ban. I rarely shoot it. I keep it mainly because I can't sell it for what I have in it and one day I may want it. In my hands it is accurate, but since I removed the optics....

It really depends on the specific model and if you can find the right collector.

You may be able to get $1200 out of it. On the other hand, in a market where you can build a cheap AR for around $500, you will have to find the right person.


New member
I know I can get out of it more than I paid.

Yes it is actually boringly accurate, maybe you havent had good experiences with one or yours or your buddies but mine is just as accurate as most out of the box bolt action varminters. I just dont have any real fun shooting it.

I'm sure someone would want to trade but I am not going to let it go for what a used Mini-14 Target is worth.

B. Lahey

New member
Is it one of the goofy HBAR 16" carbines, or a full-size beast of the range?:D

If it's the later, I may take it off your hands for a fair price. I've been saving for a MT6601 for a while, if it's a similar model I bet we could work out a deal that would leave us both smiling.


New member
It is the:

Match Target Competition HBAR
20" barrel
detach carry handle
cal 223

100% original, no aftermarket parts or alterations


B. Lahey

New member
Nice. That's almost exactly what I have been looking for. I may have enough saved after next weekend to make you a good offer. Until then don't hesitate to sell it to somebody else if you can get a good price, but I'll work on rounding up the cash.

Guess my revolver project will have to wait a bit.:)