Thinking about scenarios

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Regular Joe

New member
We see a lot of these "what if" posts. What if your were sleeping, and you woke to find Jokey Smurf raiding your refrigerator, and so on. While it seems that this stuff gets way too much air, I think it helps each of us to think about the situation, and commit little pieces of procedure to deep memory.
Imagine that the day really came when you were stopping in at a convenience store, on your way to the great outdoors. You already have a sidearm strapped to your waist. It's covered by your jacket. This is just a 5 minute thing, so you leave it there.
You're eyeing the selection of Gatorade when you notice that there's a bit of a scuffle up front. In one respect, you're the proverbial deer caught in the headlights. You see that some smelly guy is holding a cheap auto pistol on the clerk. His buddy is carrying a duffle bag, and quickly going thru the store, tossing stuff into it. He's headed toward you, and SOMETHING is going to happen, with your armed self involved....
Well, in another regard, you've read 1,792 posts about this, and thought about some of them. Almost without realizing it, you have drawn your sidearm, found good cover, dialed your cell phone to 911 and laid it on top of some boxes. This could work out.... I think it's good to run thru these rehearsals, here online, because some of us actually do venture out into the real world, where these real things happen. What would you do if... Keep 'em coming!


New member
Holy hell! :eek:

:eek: I'll NEVER get to sleep tonight! :mad:

I'll be lying awake, trembling at the thought of JOKEY SMURF! :eek:

... :D


Active member
That's hard to say. First, I never carry my cell phone on me. I hate the thing.

Second, I rarely cary my gun on me - It pretty much stays in my car. But, I do generally size up what's going on before I enter a convenience store. If I anticpate a problem, I stay out in my car for just a bit, where my gun, cell phone and keys are....and watch. This has only happened 2-3 times that i can remember. One time I was heading into a dollar store. Saw this guy dressed like he was from the "hood" very slowley making his way to the dollar store. He was very apprehensive and looking around to see who was looking at him. He walked into the dollar store, was there for less than 1 minute and then walked out. He was up to no good, but I think he lost his nerve.

Your best defensive weapons are not cell phones, guns, knives or fists. They are your two eyes.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
So, Regular Joe, you like the genre of the what-if topic. That's fine, but "keep 'em coming" is akin to trolling. It's another way of saying, "entertain me."

Not only do you need a specific "what if" topic, you need to put it in the proper forum. This is not Training and Tactics forum.


[Edited to add:] And before you take this to T&T, you might want to read this.

--Capt Charlie
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