Thinking about reloading.


New member
I'm thinking about getting into reloading.
I've pretty much have decided that, if I do it, I'm gunna get the Dillon "Square Deal B". Since it only comes from Mike set up to do one caliber, I still have to decide what sub model to get.

Now comes the load of questions!!
What else do I need to get?? (This is the main question)
Is 9mm worth it to reload??
How much space am I gunna need for this? (I live in an upstairs apartment.)
What sort of savings on ammo am I likely to see and how soon will I see it??

That pretty much covers it for now!!

Ben Shepherd

New member
Mr. Williams hit it on the head for the minimallist approach.

LIKE HE SAID--TWO OR THREE MANUALS for crosschecking data. We'd hate for a typo to get you hurt or killed.

Above all- When you start loading, if you have questions, no matter how stupid or trivial they may seem, ASK.

In fact they make a load book specifically for 9mm. It has data from all major mfgs. You should be able to pick it up for under 10 bucks. And it's small, too. Help save that precious space in a cramped environment.


New member
A case check guage, and a dial caliper/micrometer will be helpful.

One thing to consider, the SDB is complete with one set of dies, but the dies are not standard 7/8x14 dies. They are specific to the SDB. No biggie if all you ever plan to load is pistol, but if you hope/plan to load rifle in the future, go with the 550B. Just a few bucks more up front, for a ton more options and flexibility.

Just a thought



New member
I agree with the post to get a caliper. I can't imagine being without mine. How else are you going to measure over-all cartridge length? This is important for proper chambering and avoidance of excessive pressure.

Smokey Joe

New member
Starting reloading--Hurrah!

Denfoote--First of all, welcome to The Magnificent Obsession! I mean reloading.

I don't blame you for your bewilderment as to what you need/want/should have/don't need/etc. There is a welter of stuff out there. So before you try buying anything, before you can start cranking out those lovely rounds, you need to STUDY UP. Yeah, I know. BO-ring! And supposedly the Dillon equipment comes with complete directions. But...

But we are dealing with some nasty hot gases here, and some fiendish pressures, and the thing you never want to do is end up proving that the lab geeks who wrote the loading manuals were right after all. Doing that generally ruins your Old Betsy for starters, if not you too.

THE BEST primer, IMHO, for newbies--and old hands too--is
The ABC's of Reloading which is newly out in a 7th edition. Get it from your local gun shop, a gun show, on the I'net, or from the publisher, It will explain what to do, what not to do, and what stuff you actually need to get started. Finding a friend who reloads is a great help--reloaders are almost always pleased to indoctrinate beginners, and forums like this are an excellent place to get questions answered.

But there is nothing so comforting as having directions right there in front of you in black and white when you're trying to get started. Having digested the ABC's, you also want a loading manual. This is a book of recipies for various loads. Most of the bigger manuals contain a how-to, but they're nowhere near as thorough as the ABC's. If you only get one of the major load manuals, I suggest the Lyman 48th edition. If you do one caliber ONLY, there may be a loadbook of recipies just for that, The Complete Reloading Manual for (fill in cartridge) put out by If so, it is ONLY recipies, no how-to at all.

Anyhow, once again, welcome. When you get it all sorted out it's an essentially simple operation we do. It's the sorting out that gets tough. May you enjoy reloading for many years.


New member
needed stuff

Safety glasses; always. Always.

Cheap (but not LEE) scale; get a weight check set and use it EVERY time you set up your scale. (scale, between $30--50; check set about $20)

LEE chamfer tool; allows deburring case mouths, 'enhancing' primer pockets. (about $3)

Dial caliper; metal, though. (about $25)

Boxes for your now-loaded ammo; recommend MTM 50-rd plastic hinge-top. (cheap)

Lyman Reloading Data Log book; worth the time to record what you've done. (can make one outta construction paper; $1)

And wear them glasses every time you touch your 'stuff'.