Thinking about dumping the SIG 225


New member
I've shot my 1911 more than anything this year, and consequently I naturally now have a "thumbs high" grip. I find now that when I shoot my SIG 225, my right thumb rides in such a way that the slide doesn't lock back on an empty mag. I've tried to use a different, more "revolver-like" grip, but once I start to speed up a little or draw from a holster, I go straight back to the thumbs along the slide. This is not a problem with any of my other guns.

I'm moving to a county in which I can get a CCW permit, and the 225 was high on the list of guns I planned to carry, but I don't think I should carry a gun that won't let me know when it runs dry until the "click" at the worst moment.

I traded a 226 for this gun, and I made out like a bandit, so I could sell it and still come out ahead or use it as trade fodder for a better carry gun.

What'd y'all think I should do?


New member
Get a DAO snubby. You can hold that just about any way you want but it will still shoot.


New member
it doesn't stay open on an empty magazine?

His thumb is riding on the slide release button and therefore even though the pistol is likely doing what it should he is inadvertently pushing the release which basically means the slide never locks on the last round.

As to the OP. I am a SIG guy. They work for me. I like the control layout etc. You, however sound like you need to stick to the 1911 platform because that is what you shoot the best. I wouldn't necessarily ditch the SIG since the P225 is likely to get a bit rare over time but that is the just the SIG guy talking.

At any rate for CCW carry what shoots/works the best for you. Don't train around awkwardness if you don't have to.

Oh yeah and do like that other guy said and just get a small framed .357 revolver and be done with it. :D


New member
Well, I do have a S&W M64 3-inch on layaway, and I'm thinking a J-frame is what I would get if I sold off the SIG.