Thinking about a Kel Tec (again)


New member
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Kel Tecs new PF9?
I used to have a P3AT that I'd bought on a whim, only to discover that the
.380 recoil on a handgun that small and with such a short grip, would make that little gun almost jump out of my hand. Also, the ammo for that gun was a little too pricey to shoot a lot, but then it wasn't much fun to shoot anyway.
Now it seems Kel Tec has come up with a new model that may have addressed some of my concerns. The PF9 is apparently the same width as the P3AT, making it just as concealable, the PF9 offers a grip extension for the mag, which might make it easier to control and unless I'm mistaken, I don't think the 9mm has as sharp a recoil as the .380 and in spite of recent price increases in ammo, I'm ok with 9mm and have quite a bit stashed away for that "rainy day" we all know is coming.
So, aside from lots of varying opinions about Kel Tec quality on the forum, does anyone have any first hand knowledge about this gun that should discourage my interest?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Bill DeShivs

New member
The PF9 is considerably thicker (and larger) than a P3AT.
While they are great little guns, they aren't that much smaller than a P11.
Try both a P11 and PF9 and see which one you like best.


New member
I don't have a PF9 (yet) but my friend has one. It is very concealable but I wouldn't call it a "fun" gun to shoot. Due to its light weight the recoil could be considered snappy but it is controlable. If you have the chance to shoot one before you buy that would be ideal.
Other than that it's a great little pistol and I plan on getting one. I CCW the 3AT right now but I'm thinking of upgrading to the 9mm.


New member
I would love to compare...

Recently I did a photo comparison between a Bersa Thunder 380 Concealed Carry (T380CC) and a Kel-Tec P-3AT (Link to post on THR). I'd love to do a similar photo comparison between the T380CC and a PF-9.

My history with the P-3AT runs like this. Bought a "cranky" P-3AT dirt cheap from a guy who didn't want to mess with it. I did a detailed "fluff n buff" on it and started using it at the range. The pistol was unpleasant to shoot, hard to control, and absolutely the smallest thing I'd ever seen in .380 (I'm one of those people who -do- consider .380 to be a viable SD caliber. Not preferred, but viable). Ordered an extra mag and the +1 extensions to give me a better grip and it was a far more controllable firearm though still quite unpleasant to shoot. Regardless of that I liked the concealability and the gun filled a hole in my CCW spectrum so I was happy enough with it.

Then it started f'ing up (at about 300? rounds). First the trigger pin started backing out. Easily fixed with a dab of purple loc-tite but sure reduced confidence where CCW or BUG were concerned. Then it started misfeeding. Easily corrected again with a re-polish of the feed ramp. Then the light primer strikes began and I can't seem to find the issue.

Yeah I can send it back and I'm sure Kel-Tec will fix the problem. That still doesn't change the fact that my confidence in it as a BUG is gone and even if they send me a brand new one I'm not sure if I'd ever fully trust it again.

I'm NOT bashing Kel-Tec and lots of people have a fine example of a tiny little firearm...I'm just not one of them.
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New member
The guy in the next lane over from me let me run a magazine through his last week - I didn't like it overall. It was pretty snappy, which is to be expected with such a light pistol firing 9mm. I did not like the trigger, very very long and soft, although I'd concede that one could get used to it. It didn't help that his PF9 malfunctioned halfway through the mag and he ended up needing to send it in for factory repair. He showed me some pin on the inside had worked its way too far out and prevented the trigger from engaging the rest of the works inside.

If you were going to get one, I'd see if there is such a thing as a Gen 2 or later version of this pistol. The owner of this pistol told me he was happy with it despite these malfunctions (he carries it for his CCW), and he also said the Kel Tec has excellent customer service. I'm in Orlando which is less than an hour from Kel Tec's factory, and he said he'd gone there before himself and they did some minor repair for him while he waited.

On the deep conceal 9mm pistol, I recommend something like a kahr pm9 or cw9. I've had a CW9 after trying the Kel Tecs and think Kahr makes a great poly frame small thin pistol, that's been every bit as reliable for me as I wanted, more so than the Kel Tec I had was. YMMV.

I don't think the light Kel Tec pistols are for me, but some people like them and who's to say they're wrong. I think they're neat even though they're not really for me. I think the Kel Tec rifles (SU16) and sub-guns are neat too and have been fighting the temptation to give one a try, so I'm not knocking Kel Tec.


New member
I bought a PF9 2 months ago and it is on it's second trip back to Kel Tec already. They are a very light and small gun, but reliabilty is my main issue with it. Hopefully it will come back either fixed or replaced as the customer service seems very good. Some people swear by their PF9's, then again some people don't care if their gun goes bang everytime either. Since I care, I'm going to give it another chance because it would be a sweet gun if it can be made reliable. Mike


New member
Thanks to all for the good info

It sounds like maybe I'll wait for that inevitable "generation 2" or maybe I'll find something else in the meantime. I use a S&W 642 as my bug, but thinking that the right semiauto might be a tad more concealable at times.
I was just reading a review in one of the gun rags about the PF9 and they bragged it up pretty good, but it probably wasn't an off the shelf model or else those gunwriters are incredibly lucky.Anyway, thanks again to all who responded.

chris in va

New member
I've carried my P11 for a while now. Looked at a PF9 at a gun show, and frankly with my hand size it would be like shooting a credit card. Too thin IMO. But the trigger was a lot lighter in pull.