Thinking about a DA


New member
So I was contemplating purchasing a DA pistol to be used for CCW as my Glock has been relegated full time to IPSC. My SA choice is easy -- 1911, but I don't know too much about DAs. My requirements are pretty picky, and might eliminate some fine weapons, but I'm open to suggestions. At the minimum, the pistol has to be:

1) Steel. No aluminium, alloys, or polymers (if I wanted another Glock, I'd just buy one. I'm looking for something different)
2) 9mm or larger with at least a 7 round capacity
3) 4.5" barrel or smaller
4) Thin as possible
5) Preferably no clunky external hammer spur (I know this eliminates SIGs, but I could always have it bobbed off. Unless someone wants to educate me as to the advantage of having a hammer spur)

I've been looking at the Par-Ord's CCO and other LDA offerings, and have heard good things about them, but I have no first hand experience with Paras. Any suggestions, advice, opinions? And no, "buy a revolver" is not an answer I'm looking for. Although I do like the 642....


New member
Take a look at the CZ 75 line, or even their new P-01. The 75B has the manual saftey, the 75BD has a decocker, and the P-01 has the decocker as well. I'm sure one of them might be what you're looking for.

W Turner

New member
You may also want to look at the CZ75b Compact. Has the same cocked n locked capability as the full-size version, and is all steel, unlike the P-01.



New member
I figured I'd get at least three responses before someone said "buy a CZ". I don't know why my mind is opposed to buying one of these guns, considering how well-made and accurate they are. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I've never met a CZ pistol owner in my life. Ever. Logically, the CZ 75B and the CZ 75 P-01 would be ideal (except for the fact that I think decocking levers are the tool of the devil), but something is stopping me from considering them. Unfortunately, there aren't any ranges near me that rent firearms, so I don't have much of a chance for a test drive.

So let's say, other than a CZ, what are some other options?


Steel DAs? Here's the ones I can think of:

HK P9S. An amazing gun - size, trigger, accuracy, etc. Stamped steel frame under the grips. Fixed barrel.
Steyr GB. Another stamped steel frame. Also great, but big. Fixed barrel.
Benelli B76. Another fixed barrel, stamped/welded frame. Nice enough and often cheap.
S&W autos. Several versions come with steel frames. Much better guns than anyone gives credit for.
Browning BDM. A nice design, but not really the best materials.
Browning HP-DA. Seems pretty nice, but hardly seen. Crude external finish. Very slim.
FEG P9R. Often billed as a DA/SA BHP, but actually a different design. Cheap!
Arcus 98. More like a DA BHP - takes BHP mags. Also cheap.
Kahr K9. Really nice gun, small. MK9 is smaller.
Star 30 or 31. CZ like design, discount price. A very good military issue gun.
Sig 220/226ST.
Rap 401. Great compact based on the Astra 70, but in steel. Cheap.
Asai "One Pro". Supposed to have the nicest DA trigger you've ever felt on a DA/SA gun. Occasionally sheared off locking lugs. No longer made, but supported by Magnum research.
Baby Eagle. A funny CZ clone.

Much of that list is no longer made. If you can live with that, you'll often get a gun that is too nice to be made anymore at a competitive price. There aren't too many steel DAs made anymore, for economic reasons.

If you'll permit me some editorial, I wouldn't call the LDA DA. Not starting a big semantic argument, but that gun has a cocked main spring and the trigger is so light as to be almost indistinguishable from SA. In my mind a DA trigger is one that has some resistance to firing for safeties sake. I can't imagine carrying an LDA except with the manual safety on. In which case, why not get a regular 1911?


New member
I'll try again :)
S&W 469, 3919
Beretta 92
Ruger KP 89, it is wider than say the 3919, but a good handgun
I've also heard good things about the LDA a revolver? :D


New member
In my mind a DA trigger is one that has some resistance to firing for safeties sake. I can't imagine carrying an LDA except with the manual safety on

That's a good point, Handy. Since I never fired one, I had no idea the trigger was "SA weight". I think tomorrow I'm off to do a little hands on research.

Maybe if I can get my time machine working, I can go and check out some of the other firearms you suggested...



New member
just like you, i cant see myself getting a CZ. :D

as for other guns besides CZs, well HANDY sure gave a good list. most of what i can think of are already on the list. i do feel that the HK p9s is the best gun on that list.


New member


SIG P226ST in .40/.357

Then ask SIGarms to replace the standard hammer with the bobbed hammer from their DAK model. Give them a call first. Standard hammer or no the ST SIG's are suh-weet. :cool:


Wasn't supposed to be a slap - it just isn't always obvious what kind of metal various guns are made of. S&W has models, like the 5906, that are made of either.