Think You Might Have Been "Made"?


New member
Thanks for the article. It is a fascinating read. Of course, they're talking about bad guys concealing, not those of us who practically turn ourselves inside out NOT to be made (dontcha just LOVE the Texas "intentional failure to conceal" statute....NOT):barf:

But I had to laugh at this line:
What about individuals carrying such items as purses, knapsacks, soft briefcases, gym bags, folded-over newspapers, or paper bags that appear out of place? Do these articles display a protrusion? Is the outline of the frame of a handgun or a partial contour, such as the barrel or butt, visible?

A purse, apart from its "snatchability" (is that even a word?) is ideal for carry for precisely this purpose. Good CC purses are utterly un-makeable. Yes, if some idjit carries in a crocheted fabric purse, it'll show. But any decent leather purse with a center compartment that is Velcroed or zipped closed can be a useful, and utterly concealed, place for a handgun.

Gotta watch out for us little old ladies with purses!!!!! :D :D :D


Wyo Cowboy

New member
Gotta watch out for us little old ladies with purses!!!!!

Now there's a good reason for your hubbie to buy you that full sized, all stainless Kimber! If you can't draw the thing fast enough you can always bean them with the "loaded" purse! :p


Very good stuff there. What stood out was this!

"For example, one female offender had a small .38-caliber revolver hidden in the pocket of her short skirt. Two officers attempted to arrest her and a male companion for
armed robbery. She related that initially one officer approached each of them; however, without searching her, he left her and went to help his partner with the male offender. She promptly walked up to the officers and shot and killed both of them.


That deserves a thread to itself! Look, men, don't let your testosterone kill you.


New member
Did anybody read farther down in the article about edged weapons and notice this: " Recently, three British physicians called for a ban on large, pointed kitchen knives after finding that at least one-half of the stabbing cases involved this type of instrument."? Perhaps we should extend their logic. Studies show that the majority of deaths that occur in hospitals are patients that are under the care of a physician; so..............................
By the way, it has also been shown that if your parrents didn't have children, you are not likely to either.


New member
If you can't draw the thing fast enough you can always bean them with the "loaded" purse!

Trust me. My purse, swung 180 degrees full arm, would cold cock you anyway. Even if the gun isn't in there. This is because everyone in my family fervently believes that the Mom Purse is the family saddlebag.

"Can I put this in your purse, dear?" is now a family joke after 25 years, but only because it's true.

Who needs pepper spray, knives, or kung fu? One mother's purse swung like I mean it and you are OUT. :D



New member
Who needs pepper spray, knives, or kung fu? One mother's purse swung like I mean it and you are OUT.
Yes, it is OT, but that brings to mind this one scene in the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy II", where the woman takes out 2 soldiers with her purse which happens to be full of rocks. Never mind how those rocks got in there in the first place (ya' gotta see the movie), but her swinging that purse full of rocks is just hilarious!


New member
I made a law enforcment officer on a flight I was on. The first giveaway was that he was escorted around the metal detector to the waiting area by a sheriff's deputy. :eek: Then as he was a seated ahead of me on the RH side of the small commuter plane I could see his shoulder holster setup print with the pistol magazines on his LH side. I am assuming it was a Federal Air Marshal who was taking advantage of the new dress code as he had a guyberra style short sleeve shirt on.

Wyo Cowboy

New member
Trust me, if you have "made" a FAM, they ain't a FAM. I work with a lot of FAMs and rarely am I able to pickup even a hint of where they are carrying. Federal law requires that all LEOs on an airliner carry concealed (some more sucessfully than others) unless in full uniform. FAMs are very good at blending. More so now with the real-world dress code.

My favorite FAM story was of a FAM who was onboard a flight and the passenger next to him was sitting up straight, looking around intently. The FAM, noticing the unusual behaviour, asked the guy what he was looking for. The passenger told him, "Why, the FAM! You can always spot them." The passenger then went on for about 10 minutes explaining to the FAM how to spot a FAM, never realizing that he was seated right next to the real FAM! :p
Eghad, like you said it could have just been a regular cop. On southwest Airlines a leo can carry IF he is going to a training course or something like that. A regular off duty leo can't carry (on southwest) but they can if they are going to like a convention, or whatever those guys do lol. So it could have just been a regular leo.

Most people now a days don't pay attention to anything, so concealing a handgun would be pretty easy if you were a BG. I mean, think of how hard it is to get a stranger's attention by asking them, much less just hiding a gun.