think too much about guns?


New member
Lately I've noticed that whenever I see a series of numbers I associate it with something gun related. I was looking at the clock the other night and it was 9:19 and I read it as 9x19. Working up totals on a calculator I kept coming up with 6.25, 6.86, 4.42.
Anyone else ever find themselves doing this?

CZ Gunner

New member
Between thinking about sex every 15 seconds and guns every 20 ... it's no wonder I don't get any work done! :p :D :eek: :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :) :(


New member
Numbers do have a lot of associations. I also think a lot about hot rods. Things like 427 com up as ofter as 308.

Still find time to think about sex, though. :D

Futo Inu

New member
Yeah, favorites time of the day: 2:23 etc. Pretty normal among gunnies, I'd imagine.

I think about hockey even more than guns - sometimes both at same time - 2:43 left for one team to break this tie game....

about my dogs more also - Gabby is 44 pounds....

and sex about a tie with guns - it's 3:38 - just 22 minutes til Gilligan comes on! (Watching MaryAnn is about as close to sex as I usually get, and almost as good, see? :D )

BMG Music Club has cheap CDs, Kordite is the name of some trash bag....on and on.


New member
I thimk about guns to distract me from thinking about sex. Works pretty well. I probably spend 30-40% of my waking hours with my brain wrapped around firearms. I have cartridges EVERYWHERE. In the car. In my work tool box. In the kitchen. In the bathroom. I think about calibers a lot.

But as a result, I have a LOT of guns, but no kids. I'm not sure if that qualifies as an achievement.
When I'm moving about in the open, I think in terms of distances and trajectory of a bullet. It's a good exercise to develop the eye for shooting at longer ranges. The Confederate sharpshooters were drilled in this manner and this helped them in engaging targets at longer range.

another okie

New member
As long as you're finding to eat, sleep, and watch NASCAR I think you're still OK. Or maybe that's just the test they use here in Oklahoma.