Thigh "Tactical" Holsters


New member
Lots of controversy here...

I will not be in a tight quarters situation as far as I am aware. I am looking at a thigh holster as something I can wear hunting (for backup not primary hunting weapon) and to the range if needed. I could go actual beltline holster but I have longer arms than most and the waist line, even grabbing my cellphone hits the upper limit of my reach. I am not well built but it's enough to matter.

I keep reading about how it's not as easy to protect, and how if it's worn incorrectly that it can move around, chafe, and get in the way. That being said, if you wear it correctly and you have reach issues as I have, wouldn't this be the best bet for open carry? Small of the back works for reach as well but I do not have a concealed carry yet. The ONLY time I would be wearing the thigh holster is again, hunting/outdoors and possibly range time. I got used to it in the Military as that was the only holster I was able to train with.

Thoughts? I did a search of the forums and had a hard time nailing any specific ideal about it.



SAS style or drop leg holsters...

The holster format was set up & used a lot by the elite spec ops troops of the UK's SAS or Special Air Service. The 22nd SAS is the counter-terrorist section of the SAS(like our US ACE/SFOD-1 "Delta Force").
I've never owned or used SAS type leg rigs but they are very popular.
Safariland, Blade-tech, Bianchi, Blackhawk SERPA all make drop leg/SAS holsters. The Bianchi UM92II series is good because you can quickly modify the holster from SAS to belt to tanker/shoulder in the field.
The offside leg can also tote gear but to be honest, unless you want the nickname: Tactical Ted or Snake-Eyes(GI Joe), you may want to use caution picking these rigs.



New member
I have one of the old BlackHawk Omegas I've used the heck out of.

I always liked it, it kept my secondary clear and easily drawn past a vest (and all the junk on/in it) body armor, ect...

I did a class called "an interdiction to counter terrorism" from the sheriffs office ETR team a Looong time ago. The team commander greatly favored a vest mounted holster over the drop leg, he said adding the drop leg is just one more place on your body to get hung up on something rather than just having it on the vest that is already there. I can see that if you need to get into rappelling gear quick or something. But for me at 6'3" with long arms (he was 5'10ish) and lugging a 5" 1911 over their Glock 19s....vest mounted would be a bad plan for me, I guess unless it was cross draw?

If I ever buy another one though, It'll be a Safariland.
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Run & gun...

I'm not much into the drop leg/SAS style holsters mainly because of the run & gun nature of most of the open carry/armed details I work in.
As a combat MP(95B now called 31B), I knocked all over vehicles & tight spaces.
A M9 or a 1911a1 .45acp would get banged up a lot the way I'd carry it.
I'm not fond of pistol leashes or lanyards on sidearms for the same reason.
Boats, aircraft, SWAT, etc may call for a SAS rig but regular carry or field use isn't a high priority for me.



New member
I have the serpa leg platform and routinely wear it out in the bushes and the range. I do tend to bang around my gun a bit, but its my beat around gun. I'm not to worried about scuffing it up a bit. The serpa rig is actually not to bad to wear once it is adjusted properly. I can get in and out of the truck with no issues. And running short distances have not caused me any problems.

One thing I like with my leg holsters is to wear it more forward than the centerline of my thigh. It helps keep the gun out of the way.


New member
Low ride holsters evolved from hip holsters interfering with large body armor, and rappelling harnesses. They have evolved into a fashion statement.

Except for rappelling and big body armor, they are inferior to higher carry in almost every way.


New member
As stated I have long-ish arms and even grabbing my cell-phone, let along a pistol that sits even higher is right at the very top of my reach.

I intend on carrying small of the back when I go conceled, as that is far easier for me to grab


Post 06, SoB carry...

I agree with post #06.
The SAS style is good for spec ops or fast-rope stuff but not regular carry.

Id advise against SoB or middle of back carry. If you fall or are knocked over you may have a lower back injury or spine problems.



New member
I like the holsters that hold the muzzle essentially right at your belt line and the rest of the gun higher then that as opposed to the ones that hols about the trigger on your belt line. But issue again is reach :)


New member
I had one for a brief period of time, didn't really use it because I didn't want to go out in public (city) with my gun THAT visible. If all you are planning on using it for is woods then it would probably work great for you.
Low ride holsters evolved from hip holsters interfering with large body armor, and rappelling harnesses. They have evolved into a fashion statement.
Really? Body armor? Not quite.
The best place for the pistol grip to be is where your fingers naturally fall. Not above your wrist as most hip holsters leave it.

Running with a gun on a hip holster, especially a full size steel one, isn't a great experience. Why do you think people are always holding their gun when running? With a good thigh holster it isn't a problem. That second attachment at the bottom around the thigh does wonders. It also eliminates the holster flipping when you draw, which shouldn't be a problem with even a mediocre holster, but I think we have all seen it.
Did I mention it is more comfortable and easier to draw in a vehicle than a strong side hip holster? There are so many benefits and the only real negative is people will say things like "tactical rig."