They're going to make us go deaf with the HEAR act...


New member
Not sure how this makes people go deaf since people shot guns long before suppressors were available and most did not go deaf. I have shot my entire life, using only a suppressor, when necessary and not during normal practice, and I have great hearing for an old fart 73 year old.

As for the bills thrown out by the congress. They are going to throw everything out that they can to see what passes. They are running scared that they will lose the house in the next election. Therefore, get it out now, and if it passes and gets for them, if not, they can say to their base, they tried.


New member
I should have known better than to make a hyperbolic jest with the title of the thread....

Anyway, I feel like this proposal will need intense scrutiny, and not just for suppressor owners.

It will be a portal with which to view many other proposals, such as adding so called assault weapons to the NFA registry, and whether current owners will trust the government once it uses the NFA registry to confiscate formerly lawful items from law abiding citizens. The methods of tracking, confiscation, and punishment for non-compliance will have to be in black and white, and is presumably the roadmap they will use in the future for semi-autos, arm braces, AOW's and other NFA items, etc.

There was a recent thread about whether registration had ever led to confiscation, and how this bill is written, whether it becomes law or not, will show the intentions and tactics that may be used in the future.

Bob Willman

New member
You probably do not realize how much your hearing has been damaged. Hearing loss due to noise is a gradual process and by the time you know you have a problem it is usually pretty bad and it is always not correctable.
Don't ask me how I know!



New member
Everything thing is backwards when it comes to gun rules. Most of the restrictions make the gun worse or less stable.

In a safety conscious society, with rules centered around user safety... suppressors should be required and not restricted.

If a tool made as much noise as a gun, a suppressor would be required...