They did it right this time...


New member

A SWAT team and a K-9 unit were called to the area and waited outside the home until the suspects surrendered. Police said the two Johnsons walked out of the house without incident, and no one was injured.

These folks passed me during the chase. :eek: I was approaching them in the other lane and saw both of them, with the 'entire' police department following.

I switched my radio (I was driving the fire truck) to the police channel and listened to the chase for a half hour or so. An Lt. called for them to break it off when it reached a residential neighborhood.

I am actually proud of my police department today. :)

Blackwater OPS

New member
One wonders why that could not be done (almost) every time. God fobid someone gets arrested without a shootout and a chance for the local PD to try out all it's toys.


New member
The only reasons I can imagine that SWAT or another of these para organizations should do a forced entry would be...

A) If there are hostages or other innocents inside and there is a good chance they are in greater danger as time goes on.

B) The person inside poses a danger to those immediately surrounding him... like an apartment or something.

Unfortunately, you see a lot of:

C) Need to get in before the news crew gets on-scene.

D) Can't afford to keep the SWAT team waiting outside for 6 hours.

E) Quick reaction and pictures of heavily armed cops gives an image of being "tough on crime"

The end result is usually success, but every now and then you get situation:

F) Perp inside doesn't feel like being an example for C, D and E and decides to shoot it out. Sometimes he dies, sometimes the police die, sometimes both die. Either way, those in charge look good since they stopped a crime (perhaps)... unfortunately, those famlies of the slain don't get that same good feeling... and I bet a lot of them wonder why the entry couldn't have waited 6-12 hours... it's not like the house would be going anywhere.

There is always a lot of pressure to "do something"... even if it's dangerous or foolhardy. That's one of the reasons we have so many gun control laws in the US and abroad. Feel good legislation. SWAT teams are 'feel good policing'... they are only going after criminals.. they 'must' be in the right all of the time.

How many "bad shoots" involve SWAT? Not many. That's one reason they use them so much.... the public is less likely to go into rage mode if a SWAT officer dies... heck, they came in like the military... why would anyone resist? Officer Friendly making a questionable shoot... fry his butt! Society in general is becoming more accepting of military actions in police uniforms... don't blame the SWAT officers, they are just drones doing what they are paid to do... go after the people that order them around.