They came for me


New member
With apoligies to Pastor Martin Niemöller

They came first for the Full Autos,
and I didn't speak up because I didn't have any Full Autos.
Then they came for the Semi Autos,
and I didn't speak up because I didn't have any Semi Autos.
Then they came for the High Capacity Magazines,
and I didn't speak up because I didn't have any High Caps.
Then they came for the Handguns,
and I didn't speak up because I was a didn't have any HandGuns.
Then they came for my Shotgun,
and by that time there were no other Gun Owners to speak up.



New member
That is an excellent set of ideas. If you give em an inch theyll take a mile and they wont be happy until you cant even buy a slingshot.


New member
The thing about "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" has been going on for several decades. If you recall, Handgun Control Inc, which originated in the early 1970's, was originally (supposedly) interested in ONLY handgun regulations. It didn't take long before HCI's TRUE agenda was revealed, though!

It might not REQUIRE "them" to come after the guns! Within the past few years, "they" have tried to have legislation passed that would impose heavy taxation on ammunition! In California, two attempts were made at getting 5-cents per round and 10-cents per round taxes on ammo signed into law. An average box of 50 rounds of .22LR ammo costs approximate $1.50 (plus a sales tax). If a tax of 10-cents per round was imposed, the cost (before sales tax) would jump to $6.50 per box. The sales tax would ALSO jump, due to it being added AFTER all of the other costs!

Want more? The late U.S. Senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) authored federal legislation to increase the FEDERAL taxes on ammunition by 10,000%! During an interview before his death, Moynihan stated that he did not submit that legislative document, for the "timing" wasn't right. I have heard from SEVERAL sources that former First Lady/now U.S. Senator H. Clinton glommed onto Moynihan's un-submitted legislation, and vowed to submit it "at the right time". Just think....she might use the old "It's for the CHILDREN" ploy, or direct attention to the over-burdened emergency rooms in hospitals (over-burdened by illegal aliens who are using ER's for their "HMO"!)

No, "they" may not come after the GUNS, but if "they" are able to tax the ammunition so greatly that an afternoon of "plinking" would cost you a "bazillion" dollars.....! Pardon me for being "partisan" in politics, but I have NEVER met a Democrat politician that didn't like a new tax! Heck, a few million dollars here, a few million there, and before you know it....we're talking about BIG money! Remember, our elected "representatives" in government don't count pennies!