They are stealing the vote in St. Louis


New member
You are probably not seeing much of a coverage of this crime nationally, but the Democratic Machine in the old City of St. Louis is right now trying to steal the elections here in Missouri.
First, they got a municiple judge in the City of St. Louis, a Democratic appointee, not a judge like you might first imagin, to issue an order to keep the polls, which close at 7 pm, open only inside the City of St. Louis 3 hours past the colosing time of the rest of the state, until 10 pm.
It took the Republicans an extra hour too get a 3 judge panel of the state appeals court to issue an order to cancel all this.
Meanwhile, they sent the police around to order all the polling places to stay open until 10 pm. Most of the workers at the polls had been there since perhaps 5 am this morning. Many were already closing down.
Nobody knows how many "extra people" voted. Nobody knows when or if all polls closed.
There is a big mob of unruly people doing God knows what down at the City Board of Elections, right now. Reporters could not get in. They say the mob was angry, but they don't think there was violence. But they do not know what is going on inside.
This is probably not the end of it. Now, results from the City of St. Louis will be delayed and confused. They will not report until they see what has happened in the rest of the state. I myself have no doubt that when they see the results, someone will "adjust" the votes to get what is wanted.
U.S. Senator Kit Bond, a Republican but not running this time, was just on the air, very angry and calling for a criminal investigation of clear and calculated vote fraud. I hope he gets it. I have no doubt that this has been done in at least the last three elections. There is always something stinking going on there, it never changes.
Don't accept the results from Missouri uncritically. I am also watching the National Reporting, and they are down playing or even trivializing the extent of the attempted (I hope not successful) fraud in this state.
They apparently tried to do the same thing in Kansas City, but were thawted to some extent. So this is not just a case of corrupt locals screwing things up.


St. Louis County is also the one that used ballot fraud to prevent Missourians from getting CCW 04/06/99. :mad:
The Democrats there figure they do not have to play by the rules. At least Carnahan, may he rest in pieces, is in no position to help them cover it up this time.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Dammit, I knew it was something on that order. The real question is how many people will be angry about this, while the rest just shrug?


Words cannot describe how mad I am this morning.

At 7:00PM last night when the polls were supposed to close Ashcroft, pro-gun Republican candidate for the US Senate and Talent pro-gun Republican cadidate for governor had a comfortable lead. Then this "judge" decides to hold the polls open in St. Louis as reported above by Herodotus. The crack pot decision was over turned in a little over an hour.

But here is what resulted in that hour:

Carnahan (The dead criminal): 1,174,303
Ashcroft: 1,136,903

Holden: 1,135,278
Talent: 1,124,445

I can practically guarantee that had those polls remained open the extra three hours that they tried to pull off Gore would have gotten our 11 electoral votes and we would not all be sitting on the edge of our seats this morning waiting to see who the next president is going to be.

This garbage of ballot fraud and cheating by the democrats in Missouri is no longer just a problem for Missourians. It is now affecting the entire nation.


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!


New member
What is really interesting is that there's talk that they were allowing people who were not registered voters to vote.

Guys, I'm sorry. I did my bit. It took me a half hour waiting line, but I did it...

Lonnie Jaycox

New member
I live in the City of St. Foolish and I saw some goings on last night that made my skin crawl. Down the street from my house there were church buses disgorging sizable numbers of people after seven PM (getting them in the lines) as if someone knew what to do at just the right time. The city gov. here is one of those old time democratic machines and I suspect the board of election com's were not being very careful about validating voter registration. I am enough of a historian to know that this is as old as american politics but that does not make it any easier to take. We also had this awful situation with the dead gov. and the pity people voting their tears. Even if Bush wins we had a bad day here in MO--It will take us a while before anybody can do anything other than "What Mel Would Want". We are in a of world hurt here right now for our issues.

I posted this over on Legal before I saw this thread


Staff Emeritus
How long before Americans recognize "taxation without representation"?

Dad-blamed government (British then) did this once and we used a revolutionary cluebat on 'em.

If this dad-blamed government thinks they can get away with this forever, well, we may have to use a cluebat once again....

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!