They are amoungst us !!!


New member
Real ole time craftsman with modern tools !!

Talked to 1chig `bout putting a 357 case head in a set of panels ," just any ole set" I said & this is what he sent me .


A closer look at fit & finish !!!


All I can say is ifin anyones on the bubble for dressing up your GP or SP

if this thread don`t help decide ,then make em yourself ;)

PS : I like the primer fired , it proves that it just were`nt a play purty ,it breathed fire at one time in it`s life !!!

Bob Wright

New member
A friend of mine spent some time in Alaska and many Eskimos had the case head inlet into their rifle stock.

Whenever there was a communication gap, they just displayed the case head when trying to buy ammunition.

Bob Wright


New member
PS : I like the primer fired , it proves that it just were`nt a play purty ,it breathed fire at one time in it`s life !!!

And it'll keep anyone from trying to hit it with something, out of curiosity.


New member
Gp100man, im glad you like those, and thank you very much for the good words!!!! I thought about killing an unused primer and using it but decided to go with the fired one because it added charicture, glad i did.

lee n. field

New member
Talked to 1chig `bout putting a 357 case head in a set of panels ," just any ole set" I said & this is what he sent me .

My S&W M19 came into my possession with .357 case heads inset into the stocks. Fired primers, yes, that too. The primers eventually fell out.


New member
Hey GP100man, Your gun's a bit out of time...

j/k :D Very cool look, I think I'll steal it next time I make some grips ;) Way better than adding text or something gawdy, and it even looks like a miniature "armorers disc" like they used to put on the milsurp bolt-guns. I suppose you could even match a case head with the gun maker (remington, etc.)

Do you know if the case was just pressed in, or was it glued in place? I suppose you could "flare" out the cut edge of the case against the wood too, to keep it from ever falling out.
