There's hope for England...


New member
A buddy of mine met a lady on the Internet from the UK. They hit it off and started dating. After traveling back and forth for a year or so they got married and she moved here with her teenage daughter and dog (can you say instant family?). He is a big gun nut and hunter. She's a vegetarian. It's worked out though. He goes hunting and sometimes she tags along. This past weekend, we were out in the woods for General Firearms deer season (they were out there for a week with nearly two weeks to go). The new "stepdaughter" came out for the weekend. Here's the cool part, she went out as an observer on several hunts. No "ewws", "icks" or "gross" comments from her, but lots of intelligent questions and genuine curiousity. She helped haul three deer out of the woods as well. I think we may have a new addition to the hunting group before long. :-D
