The Worst Case Senario...

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New member
Okay, let's say the worse case senario happens here in America. I don't know...for whatever reason. Let's pretend in 2008 Hillary gets into office or something (Pssh, right) :D Anyway, the anti gunners finally get enough backing in the courts and congress, They don't get rid of ALL the guns, because of the obvious fear of public uprising/anarchy. No government can fight all of its people, this was the hope of our forefathers.

But let's say they limit you to one or two handguns and rifles/shotguns for hunting. However, CCW is outlawed in all forms in all states. Guns are restricted to your home only.

Hypothetically- how many of you become outlaws? This might not be so hypothetical in some cases because a lot of states might as well already be in this condition.

Consider the obvious consquences though: Criminals now know that no one is going to be packing, or they would assume. Crime in all forms would literally sky rocket. Thefts, rape, murders- you name it. Police or possibly national guard would have their hands full surely. Only criminals who don't give a crap would still be packing all the time.

If you live in a dangerous place now, would you still carry?

With the crap that would filter down from this happening, would you start to carry?

If so, what would you use? Because all forms of guns would be illegal to have outside your house, it might change what you'd normally pack (EG, that full size 1911 might stay at home?).

I don't personally, I live in a fairly big city with a rising crime rate already and no CCW laws but I'm getting out into a state that trusts its people with their constitutional right to protection from harm. If there were no more states, I suppose personally I myself would go the outlaw route. It would just be worth it to defend myself and my girlfriend and friends and loved ones. Maybe something TINY though, because who knows- maybe they would have check points up or metal detectors in more locations.

I'd pack something like a Bond Arms derringer with the 410 shot shells, or barring that, maybe one of those NAA 5 shot 22's with a couple CCI stingers. The first round I might use those CCI (I think they make them) shotshells that fire about 40 mini lead pellets. One of those to the face would surely ruin someone's night!

Anyway, just a hypothetical senario...what would you do??


New member
Long before the big push for CCW laws people carried weapons concealed with no thought of the law. I'm quite sure that is still being done today. Be it a pocket handgun or edged weapon they just didn't go around talking about it. Remove the CCW laws and these people will continue to do like they always have and have their ranks joined by like minded people.
Keep your mouth closed and go about your daily business.


New member
Keep supporting the NRA because they my be our last voice for our rights. And why is the news 90% anti gun? I never here of the people saved by CCW permit holders on local TV news. There are allot of these stories but the news in general say that's not what people want to hear. Most people don't even know about CCW permits or how to get one. Most people are programed by TV. Show them a gun and they see what the news shows guns as. Show them a car and they think of it as the tool it is. Yet car accidents are the leading cause death here in America.


New member
That was deep, Bio. I am thinking this thread will be moved... The scenario you suggest or something like it worries me, because I am certain the idea is and always has been the incremental infringement of gun rights among all others. The gradual erosion is easier for the gov. since there is less risk of an uprising. Meanwhile, the emphasis is placed on how you look, and consuming more fossil fuels, buying more cars, and more stuff, and getting legally blasted so you won't notice. If you take out a family of four while looking sharp in your new car after downing 5 or 6 drinks, well, that's acceptable. Didn't mean for this to come out so dim. :eek: I guess it's hard to think about it without getting a little depressed. :(

As for the media, no doubt the news stopped being objective about 25 years ago. Anyone remember when newspeople were journalists, and had integrity, and had to name two sources to confirm a story was true before running it? It's nothing but propoganda now. I admit I am a little slow, okay? The first time I really noticed was during Bosnia. That was the first time I really noticed the version they want you to believe versus what really happened. Or at least, let's leave out the parts we don't want you to know. That is not objective reporting.

Okay, I'm gonna stop before I piss on my whole day here. Be well!


N.H. Yankee

New member
This is why it is so important to vote, the liberal judges interpret the constitution to fit their ideologies. This is why we better hope Bush gets his nominees passed, just think if kerry was elected. I cannot understand the people who vote democrat yet say they support gunowners rights, this is like me saying I support the right to life and voting for kennedy, boxer, Kerry etc, DUH! Voters are like soldiers in an army, take the third reich for instance. Though some of the soldiers didnt totally agree with policy they are still guilty by association if not greater involvement. I am not saying hate your neighbor or friend who are leftist, try to show them the error of their ways. yes the right isnt perfect, but at least it isnt anti American like more and more of the left is becoming. Even if the elected official believes in gun rights, the democrats have a way of changing ones mind in a hurry through intimidation and informing one their bills will not see the light of day. Zell Miller finally got fed up and even attended the Republican convention as a speaker! A persons vote for a democrat is another political vote for a liberal judge.

I know some will say you cannot be a 1 issue voter, but the two parties have vastly different ideologies, and the anti Americanism of the left has become very clear lately. The media is just another wing of the liberal left and is as bias as Ted kennedy and Barney Frank at a save your teen virginity convention. The bigger problem is the silence of republicans, we are so under the gun ( no pun intended ) we often live in a closet with our beliefs and convictions due to the media's bias, some conservatives act like they are on the sex offenders list due to fear of ridicule. I write to my local paper when I see articles that are flat out lies, I also write to protest the political and media bias of the left. I do chose my words carefully and point out facts and not usually little to no opinion unless called for, but also get my point across.

The left is good at one thing and thats getting their liberal activist out in the public spotlight with their lies and propaganda, this is where the right fails. I see it this way, if someone publicly slanders you or lies and you do not respond, most people are going to come to the conclusion its true! Gunowners used to be able to walk out of their city homes with their deer rifle open and not have someone call 911, hunters used to be proud to wear their clothing in public. This is not so due to the media and lies of the left, just look at what the left and the media has done to smokers, dont think gunowners arent in their sights with the same smear campaign. They are just waiting for the right time when they have the right political and judicial people in place. Do not forget the Clinton years, history is a lesson and if allowed will repeat itself.

I think we are on a downhill slide that will do nothing but get worse if the silent majority remains silent, we are slowly becoming the silent minority. We had another loser politician in Columbus Ohio ban assault weapons, even though FBI data shows the Clinton Ban had virtually no impact, most crimes are not commited with assault weapons. The only real voice we have is the NRA, and sometimes Lapierre goes off the deep end on national TV and in my opinion hurts our image, his message is right but at times the delivery is poor. I guess its hard to blame him as when you are sitting there and someone is telling lie after lie eventually most people will respond in a negative manner, but thats the trap! I dont always agree with the NRA's tactics but they are all we have for a national voice, and are effective to an extent.

Most of the degradation of our society can be traced back to the left and the ACLU which should stand for the American communist losers union! The ACLU, the lefts darling, has been tied into many anti American organizations, the FBI is now watching them very closely due to ties with terrorist organizations. A strongly armed society is a threat to tyranny period. Many will say if guns are outlawed, then I will be an outlaw. Well talk is cheap and most people will not risk it, especially if the anti's set the stakes high which they will. YOUR VOTE and support of the NRA MATTERS! Damn I hate talking politics, here goes my bloodpressure! Becoming politically passive will be the conservative voters defeat.


New member
If crime skyrocketed to where the odds of facing a life/death threat became much greater - I think I wouls start carrying despite the law.

I think if Hillary gets elected, we will see movement like we did under her hubby - outright lies and misleading statements in the press and commercials, etc., dumb lawsuits against the manufacturers, ever more restrictions, and movements like in California where they want the gun or ammo manufacturer to somehow serial number ammo. Anything they can think of where "legal gun owners don't have anything to worry about" or they can describe as "no real sporting purpose" and those who don't know any better get passionate enough to support. They won't go head to head with gun owners, they will just make it impossible for companies to do business.


New member
Hypothetically- how many of you become outlaws? This might not be so hypothetical in some cases because a lot of states might as well already be in this condition.
I would.


New member
Something to think about

I got this off another site, but I believe it is something to really consider when the goverment talks about controlling guns for our own protection. Think it can not happen here?

Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson
in history. Something to think about.

... In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable
to defend themselves, were rounded up and

... In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915
to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

... Germany established gun control in 1938 and from
1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews and others who were
unable to defend themselves were rounded up and

... China established gun control in 1935. From 1948
to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

... Guatemala established gun control in 1964. >From
1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

... Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971
to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

... Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From
1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to
defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the
20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.


It has now been 12 months since gun owners in
Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381
personal firearms to be destroyed by their own
government, a program costing Australian taxpayers
more than $500 million dollars. The first year results
are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2
percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent
(yes, 44 percent!) In the state of Victoria alone,
homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. (Note
that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in,
the criminals did not, and criminals still possess
their guns!) While figures over the previous 25 years
showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with
firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the
past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed
that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a
dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the
ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to
explain how public safety has decreased, after such
monumental effort and expense was expended in
"successfully ridding Australian society of guns." The
Australian experience and the other historical facts
above prove it. You won't see this data on the
American evening news or hear our president, governors
or other politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and
property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the
law-abiding citizens

The next time someone talks in favor of gun control,
please remind them of this history lesson. With guns,
we are citizens. Without them, we are subjects. If you
value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun
control message to all of your friends.


Go West, Young Man!!!

Already did it - carried my Glock .45 concealed when traveling in "The Pepole's Democratic Republic of Mass." :D

If the anti-gun laws and situation in our so-called culture get to be too obnoxious, I have always thought I'd probably pull up stakes and retreat to somewhere more gun friendly - like the outback of Wyoming, Montana or Alaska.

Those areas would still be subject to the edicts of a Washington-based socialist dictatorship, but the farther away you are from "society," the better. IMO, the ruling class would opt for absolute control of the cities and other highly poplulated areas and not concern themselves with the "wastelands" that are remote and have very few people to control.

One of the things that works in our favor is that America is a BIG landmass, which makes it harder to control 100% of the territory. Also, in the outback areas, your chances of running into trouble with inner city "gangsta" types and the "FUBU crew" are going to be about zero; those types are going to stay in the cities, not retreat to the middle of nowhere in Wyoming.

While there are a**holes to deal with in the "wastelands," IMO you will run into less of them than in a populated area where the thugs more or less know that they are the only ones carrying - other than the police, who will be out to bust the average guy's b*lls for daring to be ready to defend himself and his family.

That's my plan - didn't say it is perfect, but it is my plan.


New member
Those areas would still be subject to the edicts of a Washington-based socialist dictatorship, but the farther away you are from "society," the better. IMO, the ruling class would opt for absolute control of the cities and other highly poplulated areas and not concern themselves with the "wastelands" that are remote and have very few people to control.

One of the things that works in our favor is that America is a BIG landmass, which makes it harder to control 100% of the territory. Also, in the outback areas, your chances of running into trouble with inner city "gangsta" types and the "FUBU crew" are going to be about zero; those types are going to stay in the cities, not retreat to the middle of nowhere in Wyoming.

Also makes it easier to triple-S (Shoot, Shovel, Shut up) those that do make trouble in the "wastelands".


New member
I am already a criminal by virtue of my state's current laws. In the event that some preventable harm comes to me or my family I intend to file a suit claiming the state is complicant in the act, as they refuse to allow me to do what the SCOTUS has already said the LEOs cannot do.


New member
I wouldn't carry probably, but I wouldn't turn in the guns. I'd probably say they were stolen then move to Alaska or Montana.

Lets not talk about this anymore. It scares me to think about it :(

big daddy 9mm

New member
it is scary to think about the worst

I do not worry about gun being out lawed because..... just because. in some states gun laws are getting better and others.. not so well. it seems like 90 percent of the world owns a 22 rifle. I think if the government outlawed guns, it would piss off the america so.... I would not dwell on it. just the though of it can stress you out. :) :) :)


Just keep carrying, and if you have to use your gun for defense, make sure you pick up your brass and skeedaddle before the cops show up. Run a steel brush through your barrel just in case, and run a file across the tip of your firing pin in case you didn't get all your brass.



New member
private ownership of firearms in the United States is eliminated.

Eventually, without any real threat, the government degenerates into a *something*,, like one of a dozen or so "bannana republics".

The world suffers at the hands of the most powerful force ever to exist on the planet.

Face it folks, the real "worst case" would be for someone to control the enormous power an unchecked United States could bring to bear.
We (in the US) would have it bad,,,but nowhere near as bad as the rest of the world would have it.

All those little poppin J's and chest puffers from third world s-holes (the UN) that want to disarm the private US citizen have literally no idea what hell on earth it would unleash.

*We* would just simply quit asking for and offering to pay for things.
We'd just take it...and nobody could stop it.

J H Christ,, LA SWAT could probably defeat just about any army most countries could field.....


New member
We are already in the beginning of the Worst Case Scenario

I hate to say it, but it seems as though we may already be at the beginning of the downhill slope to your "worst case scenario". More and more states are enacting gun control laws that severely restrict or even in some cases ban firearms. Chicago doesnt even allow any firearms in city limits, as well as the District of Columbia. The funny thing is DC is a perfect example of what happens when you do that. DC has the highest murder rate in the US. Now why do the politicians not recognize this?

I fear that in the next 50-100 years something very bad is going to happen in the US. I hate to say it but I feel it is true. We are currently the most powerful nation in the world but in the future that will not be true. I love the US but I fear for it.

We have given up many civil liberties since the beginning of this great nations. Laws and bills have been enacted that are supposed to make us stronger, safer, and a better all around nation. However, the opposite of that has occured. We are afraid of the government and the restrictions they may place on us.

We used to be a role model for many countries. With the sword of democracy on our side we defended the weak, and defeated tyranny in many countries. Countries wanted to be like us and began to model their governments after our precedent.

Now we are trash talked, not only by other countries, but by our own damned citizens. We neglected our own selves. We managed to let our country sink into a cess pool of greed, corruption, and idiocy. There is a rift in society on every topic now. Pro-life/pro-choice, Capitol/corporal punishment, Anti/Pro gun control, and Democrat/republican.

I think that we, not as gun owners but as Americans, have some very rough times ahead of us. I just know that when that time comes, I am not going to just lie down and put my tail between my legs.


New member
I think that we, not as gun owners but as Americans, have some very rough times ahead of us. I just know that when that time comes, I am not going to just lie down and put my tail between my legs.

I hope not to sound rude or insulting here, but I have asked this same questions many different ways, and on different forums. When will that be, and what are you prepared to do? Look at all (by your own post) that we have given up already. When do we finally say enough is enough, and do something besides post to forums?

Anyone ready to organize something?
Anyone ready to risk everything (as our founding fathers did) and sign there name on the document?

Probably not because we have all become to afraid of losing what little the government now lets us have. And the worst part of it...They make us feel as though we should be greatful for what we have got.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Not only do we have the left to worry about and a handful of republicrats, its no secret the U.N. wants to see guns out of the hands of citizens and we are in their sights. This another reason voting is crucial, if we get a U.N. lover like most of the left are in power in the white house and or the left regains the house and senate, we are in trouble not only home but from abroad with the U.N. and if that isnt enough look at the european union! The U.N. is about power and it appears somewhat focused on some form of world domination. This is what happens when a bunch of third world dictators and commies are allowed into and obtain voting power in the worlds most powerful organization.

We are now close to being a stand alone society in quite a few of our beliefs and freedoms. Why is it freedom threatens the U.N. so much? Sadly as decades pass, the lessons of history fades from too many memories. When you have the left saying we can reduce our military and rely on the U.N., HELLO!!!! but it makes sense because the left and the U.N. think about the same, and if the U.N. scares you then the left should scare you even more. Sadly I think its only a matter of time, look at the latest Supreme court ruling allowing your land to be taken in the interest of industry. We lose more and more freedom as the years roll by.

Why do you think the left has infiltrated the educational system, its called indoctrination. I know it sounds paranoid, but the left uses some of the same tactics as communist have used throughout history. Infiltrating the media and schools, and using propaganda are all tools of control. American history is now taught less and less, knowledge is power and certain knowledge and patriotism is a threat to those with dishonerable intent. A recent study showed high school grads have only an 11% passable knowledge of TRUE American history. Look at how our some of our forefathers have been portrayed as villians in recent times. This is how a society is weakened, destroy the family unit, destroy morality, infiltrate the media and educational system. Which political party has done all of this, I think the answer is obvious.

Sadly there was a time ( a long time ago ) when the two parties in this country were not so split on views and policy. Just as the islamic faith has been hijacked by terrorist, the democratic party has been hijacked by extremeist.


New member
I must say that I do fear for this great country. I fear the the founding fathers of this great nation would not recognize their own country today, just by reading a few laws and history books. The country we live in today is NOT a republic created OF, BY, and FOR the PEOPLE. Its greated OF GREED, BY THOSE IN POWER, FOR THOSE IN POWER. Period. And while I love and support our country, I feel our government and most citizens are dissolutioned, disloyal, dishonest....and well....I ran out of diss'es... :eek:

Anyway, it HAS come to a point in history where YOU CAN AND WILL be persecuted by your own government, for standing up for the rights that same government is supposed to grant you. And the time has come where even LAW ABIDING FREE MEN are afraid to speak out, for fear their government will take what little liberty we have been 'allowed' to have.

I'm done....sick now.....

Thats why my family and I soon are definately moving to a remote location. Wyoming, Colorado, somewhere far out of society. Sure we will be labeled extremists, or crackpots, or GOD FORBID, evil constitutionists, for choosing to live off the grid, but its worth it. I don't want my children infected by the crap all around us anymore.....
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