The worse it gets, the BETTER it gets!

simonov jr

New member
V.I. Lenin said that. It was true for him then, and is even more so for US today. Why? Because we have spent the last quarter century getting "snausaged", the gradual, insidious salami-slicing away of our Liberties by those who would destroy the Bill of Rights. The way I read this, they are overplaying their hands WAY too soon and coming out for a naked, anti-Constitutional power-grab. Believe me, it is MUCH better to face them now in the open than let them kill us with the death of a thousand cuts, as they have been doing. All units: This is not a drill!

BTW: I USED to laugh at the "Dems won't give up power, Coup is coming" threads we read here from time to time as out of touch. This crow I'm eating, well, it sucks frankly ; )