The wife wants to shoot!

Larry C.

New member

This morning I took my wife to the range. She did well with my little SP101 chambered for .22 LR. She didn't like my 92FS, but considering that she's Asian (rather petite), that's understandable.
Her father back in the old country (Philippines) always uses a model 10 and she indeed used it quite a bit in her teens. She asked: "Do you have a model 10 S&W?" I smiled and said "sure!"
So tomorrow, we'll give her a chance to use my 586 (less recoil, albeit heavier & larger) and of course, my 5-inch barreled model 10 .38 Sp.
A lovely wife who likes to I lucky or what!? :)

Larry C.


New member would appear you are lucky indeed, Larry...IF you never tick her off!

Just kidding. My wife shoots, too.


New member
Congrats! It is a truly wonderful thing to be able to share "the affliction" with your wife, my wife loves to shoot also :D Then again it costs twice as much for ammo...;)


New member
Better watch out - the first time I took my girlfriend to the range with me, she stepped up to the booth and shot my Bersa Thunder .380, Taurus 651SS .357, and my Steyr M9A1 9mm. With all three guns, she made everyone else there look stupid - people started gathering around to watch her shoot. Her first time ever shooting a gun - 50 rounds of .380, 50 of .38, and 100 9mm - her target had 1 ragged 2.5" hole @ 10 yards, with just a couple of flyers.
Be careful - she might start to show you up!


Mine shoots as well. She is enamored with larger calibers. The ,45 ACP is a favorite in her two 1911A1 pistols, and her S&W Model 625. However, she also has a Ruger Security-Six, and a S&W Model 19, and a Ruger P95D for "light work." In bear country, or when making a fashion statement, she has a "Dirty Harry" Model 29 that she enjoys shooting as well.

Rifles tend towards the .30-06 A Garand, and a Model of 1917,or her Savage Model 110. For a BBQ Rifle, she has a Sig Hammerli SHR 970 switch-barrel. It's set up for dual-purpose use in .308 or 7mm Rem. Mag. As a beater, she has a rearsenaled 1944 Model Mosin Nagant, and a laminated stock Russian SKS. For OPFOR useage, there's a Mak90.

She is a well-rounded shooter in rifles and pistols.:)


New member
My wife loves to shoot also, and yes, she shows me up all the time. I'm used to it, and quite proud of it actually. :D


New member
My wife loves to shoot also.
She owns 4 of her own firearms.
She really enjoy's shooting my 1911A1.
She doesn't like shooting any rifles bigger than my M1 Carbine.
But she likes to shoot.


New member
ya all remember annie oakley

I think is great for the ladys to shoot my wife grew up shootin trap as i did
she can hold her own on the range usein her ole .410 has left many men slack jawed at her ability, she has a 12g but loves her grandpa's ole 410 :D
has fired a few rifles and liked it so i got her a single shot .223 and cant tear it away from her at the range ,taught my two girls to shoot as well so look out boys :D


New member
I practice, she don't and she's better. On top of that I do all the field stripping and cleaning.:confused: Go figure.

It's worth it.


New member
On my wife and I's first date she told me that she qualified 40 out of 40 on rifle qual with a M16A2 when she was in the NG. When we got married she tolds me that she wanted a .22 rifle and a fishing pole of her own. She quickly took over my AR15A2, which now has become "hers". I was very glad when she bought a 1911 in .45 Auto so I could get mine back. She owns about a dozen firearms of her own now. She is also shooting competive with me and does show me up from time to time. She is a very beautiful lady, intellegent, very sweet natured, and loves to shoot. Still trying to figure out why she married me and consider myself very lucky.


New member
Don't have a wife anymore but the GF is just as good as I am with a gun. Only thing is, she has discovered that my 45's are fun! Boy, it's gonna be expensive from now on. Better keep the re-loader on auto pilot!:D

Larry C.

New member


I'm updating my own thread here. The wife and I have been shooting twice since I started this thread. She likes my model 10 and does OK with it. The model 10 is my favorite, BTW..
She isn't terribly accurate with my SP101 in .22 though :( I allowed her to try my Beretta 92FS and she proceeded to knock down 3 steel plates in 3 shots!! I think it must've been the 3-dot sights. I've got to work with her on sight picture/alignement. I've been telling her to think: "Front sight, then trigger", al a Jerry Miculek. She says it's fun and understands why I chose to get a Beretta 92FS: dirt cheap ammo!
Like me she prefers .38 Sp, but since 9mm is 60% cheaper, what the heck.Some of you guys are really lucky-your wives can REALLY shoot, LOL!

Larry C.


New member
Since you guys are bragging about wives, I'll tell you about mine. My wife is an NRA life member, treasurer of our local Friends of the NRA, an AZ G&F Hunter Ed combo Instructor, Sporting Clays Instructor, NMLRA Muzzleloading Instructor, Range Safety Officer and has her CWP. She loves shooting shotguns, rifles, handguns, blackpowder, reloading, hunting birds, waterfowl and big game, fishing, camping, four wheeling and ME. :D :D
It took a while but I found a keeper.