The "Wall Of Ammo"


New member
Yup here it is we've got everything from 12 gauge to .410 257 weatherby magnum to .22 LR. Lets go down the list.

  • 30 .257 Weatherby Magnum Cartrages
  • 500 rounds of .22 CCI Mini Mag
  • 250 .38 Special Wadcutters
  • 100 .270 Remington
  • 150 .357 Magnum
  • 7450 12 Ga Shotgun Shells
  • 1500 20 Ga Shotgun Shells
  • 1500 rounds of .22 Remington Golden Bullet
  • 150 .222 Remington
  • 2000 9mm

Thats Alot of Ammo Heres The Proof.


My second image wont show up so here is the link.

Post pictures of your "Walls of Ammo"


New member
Too lazy to get a camera but I have in my closet four of those 50cal ammo cans. One for .45acp, 12ga, .22lr, and an ammo can containing an assortment of each for shooting trips.
As of right now they have about:
-350x 230grain FMJ .45acp=.45 can
-30x 12ga 2 3/4" birdshot shells, 15x 12ga 2 3/4" slugs=12ga can
-200 or so .22lr=.22 can
-80 or so 12ga birdshot shells, 300 or so .22lr and some .22 mags for my rifle=range can

Looking to add more .22 and 12ga when I get the chance.


New member
I don't know if I would post pictures of my reserves on the net or not. I sure as heck will not list it all down to the last round on here either.


New member
I don't know if I would post pictures of my reserves on the net or not. I sure as heck will not list it all down to the last round on here either.

I don't get this... Why would your inventory matter? Nobody know's who you are or where you live and even if they did, why would they bother you, and how would that information benifit them? I'm willing to post my picture, all of my guns and number of ammo, and even my state... Now i'd understand if your forum name was "Tomjenkins123mainst" But Tom2 is not enough info to do anything with. Let alone enough to justify a trip to your house (which is obviously armed) to steal.... What?


New member
Not to start a fight

And i Apologize for singling you out on this one, but that's always bugged me. I'm relatively lax on what i write. I'm anonymous and i know it. Just curious as to why everyone says stuff like that. (It's even worse with gun hiding places)

chris in va

New member
Supposing the ATF subpoena'ed this forum concerning your 'stash'. I'm pretty sure the admins have your email address.

Just a thought. I could be way off base.


New member
The ATF knows for darn shure that we're not all here on a GUN forum discussing golf clubs. the "guns? what guns?" and "ammo? what ammo?" posts remind me of a child caught with chocolate smeared all over his face that says "cake? what cake?" when asked about it. You're only foolin yourself :p


Moderator Emeritus
chris in va said:
Supposing the ATF subpoena'ed this forum concerning your 'stash'. I'm pretty sure the admins have your email address.

Just a thought. I could be way off base.

If you were under investigation by the BATFEIEIO, they wouldn't be wasting time with this forum.

The Great Mahoo

New member
My ammo stocks are dangerously (ok, so I exagerate) low these days. I like to keep 100-200 rounds on hand for all cartridges, so I don't have to run to the shop everytime I want to shoot, but have let things get awfully low.

I haven't been able to buy 45colts in a while, so I am down to just 1 box :(


New member
I didn't keep a stash. I'd hit the store before the range and keep what I didn't use for the next trip. With the run on amo lately I'm thinking I should have started a stash earlier. Now I'm going to get myself a nice little stock so I can weather such amo shortages.

44 AMP

Wall of ammo? Hah!

piker. Although you do have a few more shotgun shells than I do. I do have to give you one piece of advice. Many smaller containers are better than a few large ones, if you ever have to move it around. I used to use wood artillery/rocket crates to keep ammo boxes in, but blew out my back several
years ago moving one. And it only had 2800 rnds in it! (800 .44Mag, 2,000 .22LR)

So now, I use many GI ammo cans, .50 cal or smaller. A USGI .50 cal cal will hold 5000 rnds of .22lr in regular (Rem) 50rnd boxes.


New member
hahaha, I smiled, anyhoo, giving my 2 cents on ip addresses, simply put, the ammo collection is not worth it, plus, who in their right mind would rob a house with a gun owner in it. even if they aren't home, it still is not even worth it. People that can hack this forum to trace your IP over a particular post that you have inputted to this server would have to hack the WEP keys to The Firing Line's servers then they would have to hack your user encrypted password to get your IP address which dosent even show up unless you are a recently added account. Therefore it would properly be deemed by any hacker who by book is normally not very interested in a small arms ammo cache, to be a waste of time and resources, they have better things to do. So I am pretty sure, dont take my word on it, that most pictures that you post on this site are just fine. Ip's are had to get. The "wahts my IP" sites will give you your IP, well duh, you are on the computer, there is no site that says "define so and so's ip" dosent exist.
Sorry about the techno babble but theres my 2cents on computer hacking.
1 1z t34 1337z!


New member
zoomie said:
A tech note: Your IP address is logged everywhere you go online, including this forum. That's linked right to you. So you're only anonymous to those that don't have the means or energy to find you.

Go here and see just how close it is. And that's without ANY police work.
I love how that service says I live somewhere around Wichita. I have a strange feeling I'm not in Kansas :D.