The Voice, The Eyes & The Ears of the Muslims


New member
Whether we are discussing the Battle of Mutah where 3,000 Muslims fought against 200,000 Romans

:eek: :rolleyes:


Staff Emeritus

As the dragnet widens in Germany, France, and Britain, more attention is being focused on the significant network of "religious" political groups. The website of the Islamist, London-based al-Muhajiroun, Arabic for "the émigrés," offers a global map of the organization's branches in England, the U.S., Lebanon, and Pakistan. A press release issued by the group on September 16 screams, "USA at War with Islam." Among the group's slogans are "USA, You Will Pay" and "The Final Hour Will Not Come Until the Muslims Conquer the White House." Their goal is a world state under Islamic rule. Al-Muhajiroun's "spiritual" leader, Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed, is a Syrian cleric who after the September 11 attacks issued a fatwa branding Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf an apostate and non-Muslim. Earlier fatwas by the sheikh (who lives on the dole, courtesy of British taxpayers) denounce as apostates Muslims who run for office in Britain and brand as sinners those Muslims who vote in British elections. A February 2001 report in the Guardian noted that "Sheikh Bakri has openly admitted to being responsible for sending as many as 700 undergraduates to fight abroad, mostly in Kashmir."

Scroll down to the al-Queda and bin Laden section. supports and was probably funded by Osama bin Laden.

Groups that may be sympathetic to the terrorists, and may themselves launch cyber attacks against US and western computer systems, include the "Iron Guard". The Iron Guard is a group of hackers formed during the Israeli-Palestinian cyber conflict late in 2000. This group is believed to be technically adept and is reported to have ties to Hezbollah and other Muslim extremist groups. The group's initial call for cyber jihad was supported and promoted by al-Muhajiroun, whose leader (Sheik Omar Bakri Mohammed) has known ties to bin Laden. The Iron Guard has suggested in the past that it considers American commercial companies to be responsible for their government's actions.


If this is the voice, eyes and ears of muslims, then is the voice, eyes and ears of the Hispanics;

If this is the voice, eyes and ears of muslims, then is the voice, eyes and ears of Christians.

Timothy McVeigh speak for any libertarians out there?

Didn't think so.

Folks, just because some critter on the Internet says he speaks for all Muslims, don't necessarily make it so. The old saying, On the Internet, nobody knows that you're a dog comes to mind.

(Except for me -- everybody knows that I'm a dog.)


Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I know the group does not speak for all Muslims. I know that not all Muslims support or even condone this group.

However, this group does speak for its individual members who support it. It does have visible supporters here in the US, the UK, and elsewhere. They are supporters of bin Laden and they are our enemies.