The UPSIDE to my Kahr P9 saga


New member
Many of you may have seen my posts, here and on GlockTalk, regarding the disappointment I've had with the P9 I bought several months ago. I had 5%-10% failures to go into full battery from the very beginning. Tried several remedies - all failed.

I finally sent the gun back to Kahr and after 6 weeks they returned it to me (polished rails and stronger recoil spring). I am happy to report that after 400 rounds I've yet to have a single failure. I am finally beginning to warm up to this little autoloader. :)

The experience has been frustrating, and I'm not happy about being out $22 to FedEx the package to Massachusettes, but I am pleased that they were able to fix the problem.

Just thought I should give Kahr their due since I've expounded on several occassions about my bad experience with this firearm.