the upset at Guns & Amm, December issue

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New member
I reference an artickle in 10 November edition of the Pittsburgh Posdt-Gazette, main section, pasge A-6, likely covered in other venues too. If this matter has already beern discussed, pardon me.

I have not read this particular article, not do I rergularly read Guns & Ammo, so I will make only a general commernt.

The newspaper account states that Mr. Metcalf's acticle was, according to Mr. Jim Bequette, intended to "generate a healthy excvhange of ideas on gun rights", which might werll be the case. Seems however thast the effgortt was poorly done, especially regartding refertence to the fact that constyitutional rights are subject o rergukation.

so faar as thast foes, this is true, however one really important point seems to have gone missing, that being as follows.

The often repeated, ultimatre goals of The Anti Gun Lobby are, from their own mouths, the Total Proscription of Privately Ownerd Fireams. Nothing here about "regulation of a right", what is here to be seen is the elimination of that right. End of storry, in-so-far as I can tell.
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