The Ugliest Glock!

Tom B

New member
I have never been one to think the Glock was really an ugly pistol. It always impressed me with it's functional appearance and charm. Now I buy,shoot and trade/sell handguns a bit but there is only one that I have traded because it was so ugly and that was the G30! I owned one for several months and it was the most accurate stock Glock that I have ever shot and 100% reliable. But it was so damn ugly that I could not bare to look at it! It was the Rosie O of Glocks. It's mother the G21 put it up for adoption at birth because of her fear that it was the anti-Christ! (abortion was illegal at the time). Other than that I really liked the gun.


Staff Alumnus
I assume you realized by making this post, you're gonna have all the emotional, radical glock owners breathing down your neck. I'll check back by the end of the day to see if you're still breathing. Good luck!


New member
Poor Gaston Glock!

He has a whole family of ugly kids.

ahh but what great kids they are!!



No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

-- Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution, 1776, Jefferson Papers 344


New member
A Glock is like a HumVee. It may not be pretty "to some" But we know it's the best. I'll take a Combat work horse over a pretty yet unreliable racegun any day of the week.

Vote for the best, prepare for the worst. Take action now, or take chances later.


New member
Yup... I will take a Combat workhorse any day of the week...

I suppose that is why I am so fond of my Combat handguns that were designed, and first tested nearly 95 years ago, passing a record setting tortue test 89 years ago. Having owned 15 different copies of this combat handgun over the last 25 years, I can attest that ALL of mine have been completely reliable, passing an average of 40,000 rounds each, with a number of them well beyond that.

Ahhhh... The Browning designs... Clearly, unmatched, and timeless ;)

I'd call that a workhorse if ever there was one...

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Definition of beauty evolves over time...perhaps the perfection of Steyr/Glock plastic wonders would cause them to become the standard by which others are judged, even visually...

{running for cover} ;)


New member
Well I like the look of glocks, all of them...i think simplicity is beautiful...look at technology, tv's used to have wood paneling, levers and nobs all over the place, now its black with intergrated controls, same deal with VCR's, I remember our first VCR big heavy shiny metal fascade and complex, now black and simple.



New member
Maybe it's just because I didn't get into handguns until Glock was already a household name, but I've always though they were fairly attractive guns, in a utilitarian sort of way...

But then to me, all auto's are just tools. For a real eye-catching pistol, one must look to the revolver...

And for true, hands down beauty in a gun, you need look no further than the traditional double barrel long guns. H&H, Purdy, Browning, etc., whether in smooth bore or rifled, no handgun can ever match their beauty. It takes good hardwood, and lots of it, shaped and finished by a master, to create true beauty in a gun.


Nothing threatens freedom so much as self rightous ignorance.


New member
Tom B, you really cracked me up. A G30 and the anti-Christ? Man, that's harsh! :) I just looked at the Glock web page and I really couldn't tell the pix apart. I guess you had to actually hold the G30. No doubt you couldn't shoot it too well with the gun in a brown paper bag and another over your head. In any case you gave me a good laugh.

Get your 1911s and AR15s while you still can!

Futo Inu

New member
Tom, I'm LOL! Funny though - beauty's in the eye of the beholder because I find my G30 quite nice looking, whereas the 17L and 24 are butt-ugly to me.


New member
All those people who sell G-30 (the gun which will beat many stock Kimbers in accuracy dept) deserve to be supporting 1911 smiths and their extended families, for the rest of their lives.


I would have to say that the 1911 and Browning High Power are much uglier than any model of Glock.


New member
Must admit I have been no fan of Glocks,And in my eye they ain't pretty :eek: But I have to admit after making the purchase of a 27 it is starting to grow on me :confused: Now thats not saying I'm going to become a Guru of Glockism or a Sultan of Tupperware :D. But I have to say the gun impressed me today and I like it :D

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

Horny Toad

New member
Hey, I own 2 Glocks (19 & 21). I'm not a Glock Fanatic, but I think they're great guns. Compared to some, they are as ugly as a Hideous Intestinal Sculpture (what's sometimes left behind in the hopper), but they do what they do quite well.

Horny Toad

NRA Life Member
SAF Member
GOA Member
The Glock 30 is certainly the ugliest of the all!
Ugly as a Pit bull!
But, ugly is as ugly does.
Some people think Pit Bulls are really cute.
"Beauty" is defined by norms, and as some above said, as the norms change and more shooters grow up around Glocks, Glocks will become the image of beauty (scary thought, I know)

And, perhaps I can repeat my new joke here:

[Glocks are like mopeds: fun to ride, but you never want your friends to see you with one. ;)

(originally a "fat chick" joke)

Glocks are ugly, but doggone they work, and I don't worry one bit about messin them up. I shower with mine, bath it with me to clean it, throw it in the oven to dry it, and just abuse the heck out of it. It still goes bang every time I pull the trigger and hits where I point it ;)

Ps- After reading the thread, I have to agree, I think the Glock 17/22 is now the ugliest. The new smaller, stouter ones, just look so compact and "all business" like a muscular Pit Bull.

And YES, the Glock 30 really is more accurate than most any 1911 combat grade pistol out of the box. If you don't believe, then you have never shot one to it's potential.

[This message has been edited by DerGlockenpooper (edited June 03, 2000).]
I like the way Glocks look, but for some odd reason they get ugly when sat beside a stainless Beretta 92, Dual-tone Hi-Power, or a stainless H&K USP Comapact.

AK-47, When you absolutely have to kill every mother&*$#er in the room...accept no substitutes.

Browning Hi-Power, What went wrong during 65 years?