The U.S. Army on civilians with flintlocks.....

Stephen Ewing

New member
Just finished a book by James A. Huston, and published by the Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Army as part of the Army Historical Series. The title was "The Sinews of War: Army Logistics 1777-1953." No ISBN given, but the Library of Congress Catalog Card Number is 66-60015.

Page 107 includes a quote from the Governor of Tennessee's appeal for volunteers in the war of 1812: "Those having no rifles of their own will be furnished by the state to the extent of the supply on hand. Each entitled to a dozen new short flints and lead enough to mold 100 bullets to fit that rifle. It is desired to avoid smoothbore muskets as much as possible. They may be good enough for Regular Soldiers but not the Citizen Volunteers of Tennessee."

Page 593 has an entertaining little comment about the struggle for Greece: "Meanwhile the flow of supplies and programs for training and revitalizing the Greek armed forces continued. One special measure armed civilian groups so that they could have some means of protecting themselves against guerrilla raids. This measure went a long way toward persuading many refugees to return to their homes where they could resume much-needed agricultural production. "

Okay, so my choice of leisure reading is a little dry, but I got a kick out of these.



New member
The Volunteers of Tennessee

is not just the name of an athletic team!

The Scotch/Irish ridgerunners of Tennessee have traditionally been represented in the armed conflicts of this nation in numbers greater than their proportion of the population. They have also been cited for acts of heroism far out of proportion to their numbers in those armed forces. I give you, gentlemen, Alvin C. York!

Oh yah. Tennesseans also manned the Alamo, so, Texas is the child of Tennessee!

And, no, I'm not Scotch/Irish. I'm German, and only a second generation Tennessean, but I did have an ancestor die in the American War of Independence.

Yr. Obt. Svnt.

Nestor Rivera

New member
Texas Thanks Tenn.

We of Texas would like to thank those of Tenn. for their support in our revolution, And now that we have removed a native of your fair state from the chain of presidetal succession with one of our own we are sure that at least some of that debt has been repaid ;)


Please don't further this myth!

That idiot Albert Gore, Jr. was born and raised in Washington, DC. He's no more a Tennessean than Hillary Clinton. Besides, we kicked his ass last November.

RE: Tennessee volunteers...

There might be a more dangerous place than the hills of East Tennesse for intruders to poke around, but I'm not sure where that would be. ;)