The truth about Kerry and guns

Douglas in CT

New member
From: Gunsafe <> Save Address

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 06:06:51 -0400

- Please forward to every gun list you follow. The rest of the country
needs to know that John Kerry is NOT pro-gun, no matter what he now
claims. Check out the photos!


A Mass Gun Owner Begs You to Not Support John Kerry

Ask yourself this question: Do you want to live with severe
Massachusetts-style gun control?

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry wants you to believe that he
supports gun owners and hunting. Ha! Don’t believe it.
Massachusetts gun owners know the real John Kerry, and he neve
met a gun law he didn’t like! He talks about assault weapons,
but that’s just Kerry-speak for "Wait until I’m elected." Please,
don’t let him bring Massachusetts-style gun laws to your state!
Stop the Massachusetts Madness!

Are you a hunter or sport shooter? If so, do you think that
Senator Kerry will leave you alone? Forget it! In Massachusetts,
in order to possess even an old double-barreled shot-gun or a
squirrel rifle **IN YOUR HOME**:

· You must take a gun safety course approved by the state.
· You need a $100 license, valid for just 6 years.
· You must have a background check.
· You must be fingerprinted.
· You must have a mug shot taken.
· Your personal info is entered into the state’s criminal history
· You must send notification by certified mail to three different
Mass police agencies every time your address changes.
· You must keep the gun under lock and key, and the state decides
what’s good enough.
· You want a handgun, maybe a Colt for Cowboy Action? Forget it.
You can’t buy those here.

Does that sound *reasonable* to you? Everything you hear about
Sen. Kerry being a Massachusetts gun grabber is TRUE! John Kerry
is a STRONG supporter of the Massachusetts gun laws and he wants
them to go national! Here’s a Handgun Control press release he
hopes you won’t see:

For Immediate Release:
July 21, 2000
Contact Information:
David Bernstein
Handgun Control
1225 Eye Street, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 218-4641

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Gun laws work! And Massachusetts is proof. As
a result of public awareness and advocacy efforts promoted by the
Massachusetts-based gun control advocacy group, Stop Handgun Viol-
ence, Massachusetts now has the most comprehensive gun laws in the
nation and has reduced gun injuries and deaths by over 50 percent
since 1994 - a rate greater than twice the national average.

On Tuesday, July 25, Stop Handgun Violence Chairman John Rosenthal
and Handgun Control President Michael Barnes will unveil a new nat-
ional billboard campaign at the U.S. Capitol to call on Congress
to pass similar gun laws. They will be joined by Members of Congress,
including ***Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)***, Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI),
John Tierney (D-MA), Connie Morella (R-MD), James McGovern (D-MA)
and James Maloney (D-CT)....

Want more proof? These photos are from a gun control rally at
the Massachusetts State House, October 2, 2000, part of the "First
Monday" extreme gun control series. John Kerry was the featured
speaker, the star of the show. Note the sign: Gun Owners Kill!
Don’t let this happen to your state!


New member
addemdum to Truth about Kerry, Edwards too

Seized by fits of "civic duty", perhaps by the fact that they were both taking The People's Silver to serve as United States Senators, Both Kerry and Edwards broke off campaigning earlier in the year, to vote in favor of proposed poison pill ammendments to S.1805, that if passed, would have barred idiot law suits against gun makers, distributors and dealers.

The amendments, one to extend the assault weapons ban, the other to close the non-existant gun show loophole, were adopted, which led to the rejection of the underlying bill. Try asking that valiant defender of "gun rights" the Senator from Heinz, I mean Mass. to explain that more than passing strange vote.

Try posing the same question to that Good Old Boy from North Carolina, that self made man, Senator Edwards. See what you get in the way of answers. While President Bush might well leave a lot to be desired, in fact he does, re gun rights, which are a BASIC CIVIL RIGHT, he looks one whole hell of a lot better than do Kerry and Edwards.

Keep that in mind, when you go to the voting booth in November.