The Terrorists have won.


New member
I think they have.

From :

Main Entry: ter·ror
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French terreur, from Latin terror, from terrEre to frighten; akin to Greek trein to be afraid, flee, tremein to tremble -- more at TREMBLE
Date: 14th century
1 : a state of intense fear
2 a : one that inspires fear : SCOURGE b : a frightening aspect <the terrors of invasion> c : a cause of anxiety : WORRY d : an appalling person or thing; especially : BRAT
4 : violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>

They seem to have achieved their objective.

We are practically strip-searched at airports and most mass gatherings of any sort. Most crimes now are thought of as possibly being new terrorist acts.

Our govt has passed masses of legislation infringing on our freedoms and granting more power to itself.

The country at large is fearful, or at least worried about more attacks.


What do you think?


New member
I wouldn't say they won, but they did get in a few good licks that will negatively affect us for a long long time.


New member
We're a free society, or the remnants of one, anyway.

The other guy will always get in the first lick.


New member
The country at large is fearful, or at least worried about more attacks.

No one I know is really worried about it. Most of the people I talk to seem to be of the mindset that they will deal with it when or if something happens.

I am more worried about tornados then terrorist.


If no one's worried or scared then why can't I carry my pocket knife when I travel--like I used to do.

Heck, the shaven apes that pass for security have even tried to take away my Swisstech Screwzall a couple of times...


New member
No one I know is really worried about it. Most of the people I talk to seem to be of the mindset that they will deal with it when or if something happens.

Unfortunately, the people you know aren't politicians. They're scared ****less.

We've lost more freedoms in a year than what would normally take 10 years. I guess they weren't really "freedoms" if they could just take them away so quickly and easily huh? Or maybe they were and we just don't care enough about them to do anything about it?


New member
I don't believe the terrorists have won. I do think they have raised the level of awareness of the general population. All of us that carry concealed firearms have been asked at some point why we feel the need to be armed all of the time. In my opinion, the terrorists have answered that question once and for all. Not even the most liberal of democrats can claim that the average citizen is completely safe and protected by our law enforcement agencies. Everyone in the government is now telling us to be alert. Carrying a concealed weapon is just another level of vigilance.


New member
I have long considered airport screeners and those who create their policies are home grown terrorists. They've stopped me from flying.


New member
Dr Jones,
I agree, the terrorists have won a major victory. Anytime our life routines are altered by these heathen fanatics, then we have lost a bit of our national identity. Just watch and see how much more our freedoms and rights are voted away because of 9/11/01. I guarantee this 100%


New member
It's not about how you play the game...

The only way they win is if we give up.

I don't feel much like giving up.



New member
Yes, they've won.

Run a search under my name for an essay I wrote titled, "Freedom Under Attack."
