The Taurus 24/7 Thread


New member
I’ve never been a big ‘Taurus guy’ for a couple of reasons. The first one is that their QC has been spotty. The second is that they when they introduce a gun that I like, they discontinue it ASAP and replace it with something goofy. For instance they made a 3”, fixed sight .44 Mag DA snub with about a 3” barrel. Most of which went to gun writers who penned articles makng me want one badly. Same goes for the Model 450, 5-shot snub in 45 Long Colt. Damn nifty little gun... scare as hen's teeth now.

Their 24/7 series autos have hung on a little longer. I did a small CCW class last week and one of the guys had a 24/7 ‘Pro’ in .40 caliber. It was a mid-size auto, not much bigger than a Glock 23 but with a full-cap mag. It had real decent Heine ‘Straight 8’ sights. The DA trigger was light, smooth & stopped just short of the firing moment- very predictable & easy to hit with. There was a second-strike capability, if that matters to you. I liked the grip, the angle and the feel of it. These pistols have a 1911-style safety in the location I’m familiar with and I like a safety for IWB carry. So I start hunting a 24/7 Pro with a blackened slide, in 45 Auto.

I wanted to try one of these guns at some distance, to see how the trigger worked for precise shooting. Problem is, the mid-size ‘Pro’ version has been discontinued so test examples are scarce.

My boss has a PT-140, which is slightly bigger than a G-27, so I begged it for a range session. I'm not exactly recoil-shy but you can tell when this one goes off. I figured if I could hit with this little beast, hitting with the larger 45 variant would be a cake walk. 15 & 25 yard results were good and the gun never choked, so I walked to the back of the short range and fired 5 shots with my wrists rested on the top of the car door. I think it shows promise.


OK, I am bitten and I want some 24/7 user reports. I'm not brand loyal to anything so good or bad reports are welcome. I am particularly interested in the Pro Models in 45 ACP (any size) but any series or caliber is welcome.

Thanks in advance for your input.


New member
I owned two, both in .40. Haven't really missed them.

You like everything about the gun that I didn't. I hate the Heinie sights, disliked the trigger, thought the grip felt strange. Between the sights and the trigger, I always had difficulty shooting them accurately, particularly with speed or at a distance.

They worked OK, a couple of malfs. Not exactly like a Glock or SIG, but you should find a defense load without too much trouble.

They seemed well-built to me. Since you actually like them, maybe give one a shot if you find it. They are not expensive.


New member
I'm pretty well known on this forum by now for flying high the Taurus banner. I take alot of heat because of it too. I own 8 Taurus pistol currently and have one in lay-away right now. I own 2, 24/7 Pro DS models. 1 on 9mm and 1 in .40 S&W. I own 3 OSS DS models;2 in 9mm and 1 in .40 S&W. And I own 2 of the 800 series;1 9mm and 1 .40 S&W;which replaced the 24/7 model line in the Taurus catalog. Quite frankly I would like to own more 24/7 Pro models but they are hard to find and,at this point,fairly pricey for NIB models. I have nothing but great things to say about my 24/7 Pro's. Accuracy,affordability,reliability,great ergonomics,great trigger. I'm 100% in support of the 24/7 Pro series of pistols.


New member
Sarge, you said,
The first one is that their QC has been spotty.
On top of that you claim your model has been discontinued. And you show a 40 yard, 5 shot group, that most any well used stock service S&W or Ruger revolver with rack grade ammo has been holding for decades, as some kind of justification for buying, The Thing? Well...sounds good to me.
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New member
Granted, DAO triggers aren't for everyone. I cussed them for years and then it dawned on me that since I shot well with DA revolvers, I really didn't have any excuse not to shoot equally well with DA autos. Adapt, improvise... heck I can shoot a Sigma pretty well, now. By comparison, the 24/7 pro trigger reminds me of some PPC revolvers I've shot. Smooth and reasonably light, with just a hint of staging before the break.

Speaking of PPC... during my brief exposure to it, "well used stock service revolvers with rack grade ammo' is exactly what we used. Warningshot is correct in his assertion that they will shoot as well as the pictured Millennium Pro did; but they are different animals entirely.

My purpose was not to establish the mechanical accuracy limits of the PT-140 or I would have shot it from the bench at 50 yards, and with something better than American Eagle FMJ. The Pro shot well for a small auto chambered for a potent cartridge. It doesn't give up much to full-grown service pistols.

I don't really need any 'justification for buying' one, except with the Missus, and she she dropped five and a half Benjamins on a pistol last year. My biggest problem with her will be shooting up all my reloads, if she likes it.

Thanks for the comments.
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New member
I am currently considering a smaller service pistol or larger compact in either 9mm or .40S&W for winter CCW duties. The current 24/7 G2 and 24/7 G2 Compact are high on my list.

Since you mention the PT140 Millennium Pro, I will say it is one of the big reasons I'm considering the 24/7. I'm a teacher, I'm not rich, but I'm over going inexpensive just because it is inexpensive. The inexpensive factor is not an advantage to me if the gun doesn't perform. My 2nd Generation PT140 M. Pro has been a terrific gun (my Taurus revolvers have been as well), and a similar gun in a larger size may be nice.

I'm not sure I love the SA/DA trigger they went to several years back, seems like a gimmick. SA first shot but with a DA follow-up if you have a dud primer so you have 2nd strike capability, can't hurt, but not a big deal. If not for the unique Taurus safety, the SA/DA might be a disadvantage. I like the frame mounted 1911 style safety that Taurus uses (up is safe, down is fire). However, I'm moving away from safeties and towards DAO or DA/SA with a decocker and no safety on my self defense guns, and the popularity of other self-defense guns with that MOA shows many others are as well. A SA first trigger pull means you need the safety, and that might have hurt Taurus sales, if not for the unique safety. Their safety allows you to carry in condition one, but it also works as a decocker so you can carry DA/SA with the safety engaged or you can safely carry with the safety disengaged (my preference). Choice is good I suppose.

While I don't own a 24/7 so I can't directly comment upon that gun, I do have the previously mentioned Millennium Pro. Accuracy is OK but not stellar, but definitely decent. I would expect the full-sized 24/7 with the longer sight radius to be an improvement, and most of what I read confirms that. It has been totally reliable with the only hiccup being caused by a bad round. I have had an issue with the rear sight coming loose- nothing some loctite couldn't have fixed but I didn't bother. Eventually I lost the rear sight when the screw backed out, but I didn't care because I planned to replace it with night sights anyway. I have well over 2K rounds through it (I stopped counting after a while) and I am more than willing to trust it with my life (I sometimes use it as my home defense pistol, and it is in my carry rotation when I am out of state where I can use my UT permit).

While I have liked my Taurus handguns, I own a Ruger (and have had others), a CZ (and have had another), a SIG (and had 2 others), and several S&Ws. I will spend money on an expensive pistol when it is the best choice. While I like Taurus, CZ and SIG, I am not particularly brand loyal. That said, the 24/7 is on my short list of 4 or 5 guns I've narrowed my current list down to, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one to someone else.


New member
Taurus 24/7

I bought a used PT 24/7 PRO C in .40 S&W few weeks ago and have been
very pleased with it. Trigger is good. Accuracy great. Eats anything I feed it
including semi-wadcutters. Love the Heinie sights.

Gun is pretty well made. Fit is nice. No glaring tool marks or defects.

Mine has the SA/DA trigger where the first shot is single action and further
shots are single action unless a second strike is needed. Newer model has a
DA/SA trigger where the first shot is double action and following shots single

Probably 200 rounds through it so far without a problem. Great pistol. Curious
to see how it holds up over time.

All the Best,
D. White


New member
The Gen 2 24/7 Pro with SA/DA trigger is better than the DAO Gen 1 and I prefer it to the Gen 3 24/7 Pro that is in current production.

I own a G2 24/7 Pro C Titanium.

The Pros

With the Titanium slide is is the lightest pistol of it's size. The ergonomics of the 24/7 Pro C are excellent as well. The SA trigger pull is light and crisp with a very short reset. One can shoot this pistol very quickly. I much prefer the straight 8 Heine sights for a pistol that I use primarily for carry. The DA "restrike" capability is nice, but not really a primary requirement. Some of these pistols can be decocked allowing for greater versatility in carry options.

The Cons

The trigger pull will slightly move the barrel. Compensation on follow through is therefore required. Also, the fit and QC of the line is not up to par with other manufacturers. That doesn't mean that a specific specimen will not run well, but mine will only run smoothly when clean. Because of my concerns with reliability, it doesn't get as much time in the carry rotation anymore.

Ultimately, it's a gun I still like - the Titanium is awesome and I prefer shooting it to other pistols in it's class. Would have been a real winner if it was as mechanically reliable as those other pistols in it's class.

Curious what others may think of the G3 model. While takedown is better than the G2 predecessor, the ergonomics are a step backward, the trigger unremarkable, and the strange setup of the DA/SA trigger is confusing to say the least. I thought the trigger was broken when I first picked one up!


New member
The Pro's come up for sale fairly often locally and I see them quite often on gunbroker. I have a pair of OSS pistols, a 24/7 Pro in 9mm, and a PT 140. You might also check out the 800 series hammer-fired guns. Academy sells them for $350 new if they are around your neck of the woods. The 800's are easily my favorite of Taurus' poly frame guns and I have 1 in all 3 calibers available.