The Target I Saw....


New member
At the range last night, some guy brought in one of those "picture" targets (drawn by an artist, not a photo) with the BG pointing a gun at you. It took a minute, but then I realized who the picture looked like. The company must have hired an anti artist, because the bad guy drawn on the target bore a striking resemblence to Ronald Reagan. How could anyone shoot the Gipper? I pointed it out, and the guy agreed, but he kept on firing. Ever see this target? Ronnie is squinting one eye and pointing a revolver at you. I'll stick to shoot&sees.
I think it's unclassy to shoot pictures that resemble others anyhow. If everyone had a target picture of their ex, or the divoce attorney that took away their bass boat, It would lower the art of the sport.
Anyone agree/diagree?


New member
At our gun club targets that resemble humans are not allowed at any time.

Animal paper targets are allowed though.

Who could shoot at a target that looked like reagan? that's just in poor taste...although I could think of a few that would have been Better choices...LOL


New member
I dunno, Maybe I'm cynical, but I think the artist was careful to make it look just enough like him. Anyhow, I don't see any point in picture targets.


New member
I think the standard siloutette with scoring rings would be better than the cartoony guy pointing a gun at you. My range has those and it's very easy to see your hits because there aren't any lines that would help hide the bullet holes.