The stigma grows - the evil pink rifle....


New member
I feel like I am beating a dead horse and in a way didn't even want to post this cause it seems like a "not another one of those" type threads, but in the end I decided to anyway. I was watching the local news here in the gun-friendly greater Chicagoland area, and they had a count down of embarassing mother's day photos. In one, the mother was in the bathtub with a baby, a large dog, and a pink 10/22 with a 25-30 rd magazine. The idiot on the news called it an AK-47! I am not really shocked, cause anything with a long 'clip' has to be an AK, just like most ignorant people call any four wheel drive vehicle a Jeep. I emailed the morning news, and am anxious to see if they even reply. I am not expecting much, but if they do respond, I will post it on here.
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New member
I'm sure most of us have seen the pic the OP's referring to but if not here it is:



New member
Where's the water in the tub?

And Wow, I didn't realize when i bought my 597 it was a 2 for 1 ... put in the 10rd clip and it's a 597, put in the 30rd clip and it's an AK47 ... cool! (I love seeing dumb gun mistakes - hehe)


New member
I just wanna know why they took the pictuer, where I can get my wife and baby one, whats with the stupid dog? the dog the girl the baby and the gun are all in the tub?


New member
kinda like how you guys are using the word "clip" when you should be saying "magazine" hahaha just kidding thought I would stir the pot a little.


New member
kinda like how you guys are using the word "clip" when you should be saying "magazine" hahaha just kidding thought I would stir the pot a little.

I think you're talking to the other posters, but just to make sure, notice I put clip in single quotes in my post. LOL.


New member
Heck, I'm considering getting my 70 year old mother an LCP for mothers day, I must be some kinda evil psycho bastage.:D

S&W Kinda Guy

New member
Make sure you dont get her any extended magazines, or it automatically turns into an AK-47.

I like when the police raid a house, and the news reports, "They found an arsenal of assault weapons" and when they show pictures of the raid, there was really like 4 handguns and a 1022.


New member
I believe that picture was taken during a rather bad storm. That's why all three are in the tub, and the rifle was thrown in for some laughs. That's what I remember when it was posted here a while back.

Where can I buy a transforming gun?


New member
Well, I don't think any of you will be any more surprised than I was, but all I got in reply was a form letter type email saying thanks for emailing and thanks for watching, which is funnier considering I bascially said I wasn't going to watch them anymore. Below is the text of the email I sent them.

"To whom it may concern,

I noticed an error on your morning newscast this morning (5/5/10). There was a clip showing embarassing Mother's Day photos, and one showed a woman in a bathtub with her daughter, a large dog, and a pink rifle with a long magazine. The rifle was incorrectly identified as an AK-47, but it was actually a Ruger 10/22 with an aftermarket magazine that holds 25-30 rounds. These rifles are generally used for target shooting, recreational shooting, and small game hunting. I feel that the news stations owe it to their viewers to research the topics on which they are speaking and correctly represent those topics. It may seem like a minute issue, but now there will be a cloud of doubt on anything I hear on your programming, leaving me to wonder if what I hear is another misrepresentation propagated by an anchor who is uninformed regarding the topic of discussion. If viewers cannot trust the content of news broadcasting, they might as well read the tabloids.


A Concerned (Former) Viewer"


New member
Am I mistaken, or is that a full magazine and baby's finger (thumb) is inside the trigger guard?
I also find my self wondering what the deal is with the photo - do people really get into a bathtub during a rainstorm?
Seems kinda goofy to me.


New member
I'm gonna guess it's a picture of her with all of her favorite things. Her pink 10/22, her baby, her dog and her bath tub that she takes long bubble baths in.
Sefner, that picture's missing one entry, which I have taken the liberty of rectifying:


Seriously, a bathtub might be safe if one's expecting a storm, but they need to take those mirrors down. Glass fragments will kill just as well as a collapsing wall.