The Special Interest Groups Will Have A Ball With This


New member
Armed Man Shoots Three in Manhattan

NEW YORK (AP) - A heavily armed black man allegedly shot three people and tried to set patrons at a Manhattan bar on fire Sunday before being wounded by officers and arrested in what police said was a racially motivated attack.

Steven Johnson, 34, was charged with attempted murder after what Police Commissioner Ray Kelly described as a ``very bizarre crime by this deranged individual.''

Johnson was carrying three loaded guns, 153 rounds of ammunition and a samurai sword when he approached four white people walking in the East Village and told them: ``I have a problem with you,'' Kelly said.

Johnson shot one of the men in the upper body, followed him as he ran to the door of the bar and shot him again, police say. Johnson then entered the bar and ordered up to 40 patrons to the kitchen, police said.

A 54-year-old Asian man who owns a store next to the bar heard the shots and peeked in, and Johnson shot him in the wrist, police said.

Johnson, who was also carrying a police baton, a bottle of kerosene, a fireplace lighter and more than 100 plastic handcuffs, then allegedly forced a woman to start putting flex cuffs on the hostages while he sprayed the crowd with kerosene and fired occasional shots at police cars outside.

Witnesses told police that Johnson was ``ranting about white people and vowed revenge for thousands of years of suffering.'' Johnson said that he was having ``fun'' and that ``a real man chooses when he dies,'' Kelly said.

When Johnson pulled out the lighter, two Manhattan women jumped him, and he shot one in the leg, police said. Officers heard the shots and stormed the bar, grazing Johnson in the head and taking him into custody.

``Those two women did the right thing, a very important thing ... they were very brave,'' Kelly said.

Johnson was charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon. He had not retained a lawyer; he was in police custody Sunday evening and was unavailable for comment. There was no telephone listing for him at the address provided by police.

One victim was hospitalized in serious condition, while the other two were in stable condition. The suspect was in stable condition, police said.

Johnson lives in Brooklyn with his 10-year-old son and has been despondent since his wife died in March, neighbors told investigators.

Police who searched his home said they found a note taped to a wall that said, ``Tell the boys in blue I won't be easy.''


Moderator Emeritus
"Those two women did the right thing, a very important thing ... they were very brave,'' Kelly said.

Well, Commissioner Kelly, if y'all'd let the damn good guys carry guns, too, this whole incident would've been a lot less dramatic, and one brave woman wouldn't have had to take one in the leg. :rolleyes:

Tall Man

New member
Homey's issues

3 Shot in Racist Rampage
2 women overpower gunman
on suicide mission

Daily News Staff Writers

heavily armed man screaming, "White people are going to burn tonight!" shot three people at a trendy East Village bar yesterday and doused patrons with kerosene before he was overpowered by two women, police said.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly holds photo of Steven Johnson yesterday.
Steven Johnson, 34, of Brooklyn, was on a suicide mission when he burst into Bar Veloce on Second Ave. and 11th St. with guns blazing and hate spewing from his mouth, said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

"I wanted to kill as many white people as I could," Johnson told detectives after the 40-minute siege, which left Johnson and three victims with bullet wounds.

Patrons said that after he poured kerosene on them, Johnson yelled, "Everyone's wearing gas shirts now!"

"Do you want it hot?" Johnson asked terrified hostages as he began flicking a barbecue lighter.

Police said Johnson's rampage may have been sparked by his battle with AIDS and the March 4 death of his wife, who also had the disease.

Bar patron hurt during gunman's rampage is taken to ambulance after incident yesterday.
Before leaving home, Johnson wrote a suicide note to his 10-year-old son and scrawled on the wall of his Williamsburg apartment: "Tell the boys in blue, I won't go easy," cops said.

"This individual is clearly deranged, possibly as a result of his wife dying," said Kelly, adding Johnson was carrying three guns, a 30-inch samurai sword, 153 rounds of ammunition, a box cutter, 100 plastic handcuffs, a kerosene-filled bottle and the lighter.

Weapons found at scene.
Johnson — whose rap sheet for weapon and drug arrests dates to 1985 — also was wearing knee and elbow pads and a catheter he apparently made himself, police said.

"He wasn't very eloquent, but he made it clear it was racially motivated," said Ann-Margaret Gidley, 23, one of two women police praised for tackling Johnson and ending the standoff. "We all knew he had a gun and a lighter and we didn't want to die."

The drama unfolded around 2 a.m. when Johnson accosted two men and two women at Second Ave. and 11th St., cops said.

Johnson ordered Jonah Brander, 28, of Fort Lee, N.J., to hand over his wallet. But as Brander reached into his pocket, Johnson said, "I have a problem with you" and shot him in the torso, police said.

As Brander staggered into Bar Veloce, Johnson grabbed one of the women, Elin Juselius, 20, and followed him, firing wildly into the air. Before reaching the front door of the popular wine bar, Juselius broke free and ran.

'Everyone thought it was a joke. Then the shooter came in.'
— Melanie Kaye.

New York University student Melanie Kaye, 20, was seated near the front door when Brander stumbled in holding his stomach and pleading for help. "Everyone thought it was a joke," said Kaye. "Then the shooter came in."

Kaye said Johnson shot Brander again in the torso and began screaming, "Get back!"

Some customers ran into the basement, broke through window bars and escaped. Others ran into a back dishwashing area, but there was no way out.

Johnson grabbed Robin Arzon, 20, by the hair and ordered her to bind people's hands with plastic handcuffs, witnesses said. He began pouring kerosene on people and threatening to set them ablaze, witnesses said.

At one point, Johnson attacked a born-again Christian woman who cursed Satan, witnesses said. "Don't you mention Jesus again!" Johnson told the woman, knocking her down and kicking her in the head. "Where's God now?"

Iso Shoji, 54, owner of a restaurant next door, heard the commotion and went to investigate. Shoji said that when he poked his head in the rear door of Bar Veloce he was shot.

Steven Johnson
"It happened in one second," said Shoji, who suffered a bullet wound to the left wrist.

After Shoji was shot, Gidley sprang into action. The slender, 5-foot-4 blond jumped on Johnson's back and another hostage, Annie Hubbard, 34, of Manhattan helped tackle him.

During the scuffle one of Johnson's guns went off, wounding Hubbard in the right shin.

Cops then stormed the restaurant and one Emergency Service Unit officer fired a single shot that grazed Johnson in the head.

"It was do something or die," Gidley said yesterday. "I didn't think it was time to go yet."

"They were very brave," Kelly said of Gidley and Hubbard.

Brander was in critical condition at Bellevue Hospital. Johnson and the two other wounded victims were in stable condition there.

With Nicole Bode, Jessica Johnson, Elizabeth O'Brien
and Warren Woodberry Jr.

Original Publication Date: 6/17/02


Taking bets on just whether or not this incident will be prosecuted as an unconstitutional "hate" crime....

BRAVO to the two women who subdued the attacker!


Ben Swenson

New member
When Johnson pulled out the lighter, two Manhattan women jumped him,
While I certainly don't know all the circumstances, it sounds like those two gals were the only two in the bar with the balls to end this. 'Course, he did egg them on with the "a real man chooses when he dies" bit.


New member
Patrons allowed themselves to be cuffed and dowsed with Kerosene?

They were seconds away from hostage immolation,
and the police were going to wait until they heard:

Did everyone think this was going to de escalate on its own?

Bullet wounds are survivable,
immolation is not


New member
What on earth...

I was under the impression that only whites are racest and blacks could not possess that trait as they are and always have been the victims.
Something is wrong with this picture.

One good thing, at least they took his obvious mental illness into consideration and did not charge him with a hate crime.

Be safe out there.


New member
So it took two women to jump the B.G. What happened to the men-too much feminism? I also want to know were is the outrage from Al Sharpton? This is blatant racism and a hate crime,and if G.W. got blamed for dragging a black man-then the blame for this hate crime should squarely fall on the shoulders of Sen. Clinton.
It's times like this I'm glad I live in the South. This would be the news- A black man enters a honky tonk heavily armed wanting to kill. As soon as he branished his weapon, every patron in the bar ran out to their trucks to retrieve their weapons, and cut the bad guy down in a hail of 06's.


New member
Still a victim mind set in most people

I live right near where this happened and ever since Rudy left office the deranged have re-claimed the streets. I had in incident where a homeless man (who happened to be the profile of most NYC homeless) grabbed my wife infront of me. When I responded by kicking him in the you know what and followed up with a few more the cops came. A woman who witnessed the entire episode told the cops I attacked the man and she wanted to press charges for the homeless guy! Thankfully, the cops just took my name and number and wispered to me to 'take-off'.

Most people still act like sheep, even here in NYC. The two woman this weekend deserve alot of credit.


New member
Hey Moderators

Can someone close or combine all of these threads? There are like three or four floating around, and I would like to respond to *one* of them :)

Marko Kloos

New member
Merged and moved to Legal & Political for further pruning. Folks, try and read what's already out there before posting four or five threads on the same topic.


New member
Let's forget about the racist comments and the attempted murder, for just a moment -

He has a rap sheet that dates back to 1985! How was he able to obtain guns?

Forget about the crime charges (he may plead insanity) - why don't the feds swoop in and charge him for the guns?


As for those of you who think that Shall-Issue CCW would have stopped this, I politely disagree. If anything, this incident would have made some of the patrons *think* about getting a gun.

When you figure that only about 3% of the population takes advantage of this, the likelihood that someone carrying would patronize this place is pretty low. Besides, many people on this board would say that guns and alcohol does not mix, and would have left their gun at home.

The only saving grace is that for someone who can get a NYC Carry license would be able to go in. New York does not have any legal restrictions on carrying a firearm in a bar.

Personally, I see this as more proof of why Federal and New York gun laws don't work.



New member
two Manhattan women jumped him

Would this have happened before 9-11? Or did at least some Americans learn something about fighting rather than surrendering?

These women realized they had nothing to lose, and decided to fight. Amazing!

I don't think this attitude bodes well for further hostage takers!



New member
mjustice, the feds usually wait on felons with guns if they decide to prosecute (which is rarely). However, if they do decide to act, they usually do it right away because of concerns of evidence transfer.

In this case, I would think the state charges will have a lot more wieght than the feds can muster.


New member
Would this have happened before 9-11? Or did at least some Americans learn something about fighting rather than surrendering?
Would this have happened before 9-11? Good question. I would like to say "yes," but...

I would hope that the resistance of the two women would serve as an example to others in the same way as Beamer's Rollers did, but...

MuzzleBlast, has your question been answered, yet?