The solution to this problem seems so obvious.


New member
'Giant rapist' attacks women on horseback

December 06 2002 at 08:30PM (South Africa)

By Helen Bamford

A huge muscle-bound thug known as the "giant in the bush" is waging a reign of terror in the vicinity of one of the most beautiful beaches in the Cape Peninsula.

The tall, powerfully-built man terrorises horse riders in Noordhoek, preying on victims as young as six as they ride through the bush.

He is also believed to have raped a number of women.

They all refer to this man as 'the giant in the bush'
He creeps up on his victims silently before launching his attack. Usually operating alone, but sometimes with a shorter but also powerfully-built partner, the man often has a wooden plank which he uses to hit the horses.

The latest victim was a local woman doctor who apparently was riding alone on the Access Path in the Noordhoek wetlands area.

Two men leapt out at her and one tried to mount her horse which reared up in fright.

Residents say the doctor was thrown but managed to run to safety.

A few weeks ago, Trish Lane, a riding instructor and member of the Noordhoek Riding Association and her six-year-old daughter Anacy were riding along the Gallop Track with a friend Deanne Lennox and her four-year-old daughter.

'Lots of tourists are open to attack'
Lane suddenly heard screaming and looked back to see a huge man lunging for her daughter.

"He grabbed her stirrup but it broke. When her pony surged forward he ran next to her and tried to pull her off."

When the two women turned back to help, the attacker turned on Lennox and tried to bring her down, badly injuring her arm.

Lane said a young mother of two was recently raped in the same area but was too frightened to be named.

"Three men surveying a site for the new Masiphumelele High School were also attacked and had their equipment stolen."

She said several Masiphumelele women had been attacked and raped by the giant in recent months.

"They all refer to this man as 'the giant in the bush'. If they hear of an attack they say the giant has paid a visit."

Last summer, tourists and residents regularly came under attack by two gangs of robbers who used screwdrivers, knives and guns and stole an array of valuables.

Fish Hoek police set traps and worked undercover to nab 11 robbers in April.

But police spokesperson Barbara Breedt said all 11 had been released.

Breedt said she was aware of the attacks on the horse-riders and the rapes, but said very few people had laid charges with the police.

She said Masiphumelele women seldom reported rape to the police as they felt too embarrassed.

"It's a concern that the Noordhoek residents haven't reported these cases, especially with the festive season coming up which means lots of tourists are open to attack."

Breedt said that if the police had a clear idea of how many incidents there had been, they could take action.

Meanwhile Lane has been trying to drum up support among the riding community for patrols by a private security company.

"We all know the police are understaffed and cannot respond quickly. What we had in mind was a security guard on a motorbike who could respond in minutes, plus create a visible presence to act as a deterrent to criminals."

But she has come up against opposition from people reluctant to pay the proposed fee of R100 a month.

She said there was a group within the Noordhoek Riding Association who believed women were provoking attacks by wearing "skimpy clothing".

Lane said many opponents of the scheme spent a fortune on their horses yet wouldn't cough up for security.

Noordhoek resident Stephen Murdoch, whose wife and daughter regularly rode horses, said he believed the proposal was the only way to go.

"I just want to know they'll be safe out there. And I don't want to wait until someone is killed before action is taken," he said.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Alas, poor Hagrid; he was a fine man, once. Turrible thing when a lad like him goes bad.

It does seem like a lady cop riding through the area with a few other cops in discrete hides with rifles would do fine.


New member
She said there was a group within the Noordhoek Riding Association who believed women were provoking attacks by wearing "skimpy clothing".

Isn’t it wonderful that Neanderthals like this still exist in the so-called “modern” world?

:confused: :mad: :barf:

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Seeing how runt_of_the_litter can conceal ten guns wearing nothing but jeans and a tshirt, I expect that even the skimpiest riding dress should hold enough to punch the perp's ticket...
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New member
"Two men leapt out at her and one tried to mount her horse which reared up in fright."

Any rapist who tries to mount a horse does indeed qualify for the description "powerfully-built."


New member
Damn, you beat me to it.

"Two men leapt out at her and one tried to mount her horse which reared up in fright."

Any rapist who tries to mount a horse does indeed qualify for the description "powerfully-built."


New member
What we had in mind was a security guard on a motorbike
...and how long 'til the security guard is "clothes-lined" by the plnk the giant-in-the-bush carries and his motorbikegoes home with someone else?

pre-B '75

New member
I believe we're talking about South Africa, rather than Australia.

They should be used to the extreme violence by now. Hard to believe that some folks still go around with their head up their rear in a country with one of the highest murder rates. :rolleyes:

The young girls were lucky not to have been raped, as local superstition believes raping young girls (virgins) cures AIDS. :barf: