The Sniper


New member
Batten down the hatches, boys! I have a feeling this will be a long, hard storm. I can just hear the Brady Bunch now, "yee haw, it was an evil, hi-powered, black, Bushmaster civilian version of the deadly M-16..."


I hope I'm wrong, but IMHO this is nothing to get excited over. The CNN article isn't clear but seems to suggest the arrest resulted from a tip-off by the sniper.
Sniper investigators were looking into a possible connection to a fatal shooting at a liquor store in Montgomery, Alabama. Montgomery Police Chief John Wilson said Thursday that there were "some very good similarities" between Malvo and a composite sketch of the attacker in the September 21 shooting.

Authorities said Thursday they had made a match between a fingerprint lifted from the scene and Malvo. But Wilson said the weapon used in the Montgomery shooting is not the same as has been used in the shootings in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

The Baltimore Sun reported that authorities were tipped to the Alabama connection by a recent phone call believed to be from the sniper, who said that investigators should "take him seriously" and "check with the people in Montgomery," or words to that effect.
Where are these two going to watch TV to find out what the media is saying about them? They were sleeping in the car when they were arrested. The bushmaster with scope was only matched to the Sep. 21 shooting in Alabama. Maybe it's him and he wanted to get caught, but it seems shaky.


New member
Law enforcement sources say suspects' car had hole bored in trunk that would allow weapon to be fired from inside car.
Watch CNN or log on to /AOL Keyword: CNN for the latest news


New member
At least FOX is calling the weapon a "rifle" whereas CNN has already using "AR-15 Assault Rifle." FOX is also saying the witnesses reported they guy had a book on making "sound suppressors." Guess they actually learned something during the last 3 weeks of non-stop supposition.

At least this one is alive to stand trial so the media has something other than the weapon to harp on. Plus, the guy isn't a white, pro-life, militia, christian, seperatist male with an "Arsenal."
I keep hearing about the "tripod." I know the 1919A4 Browning and M-2 50 cal as well as the MG-42 were tripod mounted, but the AR-15? Shooting sticks maybe?


New member
The house in Tacoma where the Feds cut up the tree stump and scavenged the yard, is not far from my wife's place of business.

The gun shop where the a-hole bought the Bushy is one that I have frequented for years.

This guy is whacko beyond all comprehension. (Don't give me any of that "But he's only under suspicion" crap. They have the gun. They have a ballistic match. They found the gun in his car. They found a set-up in the car that allowed the back seat to fold down, and which allowed them to fire from within the trunk, using a tripod.

People around here are all buzzing about these two freaks.

As usual, the anti-gunnnies will relentlessly attack a tool and not the wielder of it.

Poor Bushmaster.


New member
As reported on CNN this evening.

They also stated that the fragments removed from the stump in Tacoma have less importance since they have matches from some victims.

The rifle was scoped, and was rested on some type of tripod setup that was in the trunk of the Chevy.

It sounds like they will need only prove that he/they fired it.


Maybe we should ban all Chevrolets.


New member
They also stated that the fragments removed from the stump in Tacoma have less importance since they have matches from some victims.
Not sayin' they aren't guilty, 'cause I believe they are... but (and I don't have the details in front of me) it seems that he bought the AR after he moved out of that house where the stump was removed from, so I don't expect a ballistic match there - must have been one of his other rifles.

I can't imagine much more evidence is needed as they had the rifle in their car and the rifle macthed ballistically with the victims. I sure ain't no law-talker but it does seem like an awful straight forward prosecution.


New member
So now that they've probably caught the shooter, when do the letters get published?

Well, in the name of the "pending investigation" Chief Moose would probably never release the letters until the guy is tried, convicted, and executed.

Which means the media will probably get it from a high placed "source" and have it published within a week. :D


New member
and executed.

Never happen. This guy will fall into one of politically correct religious fanatic groups and get prison time. Only the vast right-wing religious conservatives get to fry.

It was amusing to listen as Moose refrained from naming the "youth" due to his age, yet the media had been plastering it everywhere since dawn.


New member
Several different news agencies were reporting about the "civilian version of the military's M-16" last night and I heard one really interesting piece of information. It seems this particular rifle was capable of firing a "point two-two-three" caliber cartridge in excess of one and a half miles per second!
That equals 7920 fps! Where can I get one of these .223 ultra magnums? Amazing what the media spews, huh?:rolleyes:


New member
It's too bad they didn't decide to wake them up first. Maybe they would have shot it out with police. They were totally surrounded and would have been killed. That would have been true justice.

Now we'll all have to go through the circus of a trial for both of them. All it will take is for the prosecution to screw it up........

Or maybe Johnnie Cochran will defend them, and they will be aquitted.



New member
The liberal way would be to have road side checks for cars with "holes" each
person would have 5 days to repair
and would be fined $500 if not done,
in the event you can't pay to repair, a
fund would be set up from vehicle
inspection fees so each vehicle owner
could join in the fun of paying for your