The Smith&Wesson Governor

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New member
Most will take issue with what I have to say on this subject and it is their right to say what they think on the matter.

My thoughts on the Governor is that it as well as the taurus judge are the best close range defensive handguns a person can own.

My reason for saying such is that it meets an issue not adressed by other (very well thought out and utilized) handguns.

The Gov/Judge owner is putting out more projectiles per trigger pull than standard handguns that fire one bullet per trigger squeeze.

This not only aids the user in getting hits,but also damages more areas of the threat.


New member
lol. u b trolling now...

Just let it rest ur last thread hasn't been closed for 10min.

Your just gonna continue the same argument.

Post again in a day or two once people have settled down.


New member
Number of projectiles and area hit are irrelevant considerations for stopping a threat. You could say the same about a gun that shot capsules of plastic airsoft pellets at 50FPS.

The most relevant consideration for a round that will stop a threat is how far it penetrates (enough to reach vitals?) .410 shells, by and large, fail that test.

It's a dandy anti-snake gun, and the .45 Colt and .45 ACP the guns chamber are great choices, but .410 would be near the bottom of my choices for self-defense, above the .25ACP and about even with the .32ACP.

Your mileage may vary. :)

Edit: Didn't realize the OP had a thread closed on this same subject today, I'll back on out...


New member
I'm not trying to troll and I hope that folks don't take it that way.

I am just trying to have a level headed discussion on the matter.
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