The "sleeping" giant


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In 1938, a Jewish immigrant in Paris shot a German embassy worker. Nazis retaliated against all Jews in Germany.

In 2001, a group of people from some Middle Eastern (?) country murdered 30,000 Americans. US destroyed everyone of the same ethnic, religious or geographic background???

Are you sure that's how it ought to be?

I am sorry but did I miss something in the picture, I did not get the message of total extinction of a race of people by US hands.


New member
Oleg, i think that i'm missing something here. unless i am mistaken, hitler started his campaign against the jews earlier than 1938. i like thumbtack fail to see what that has to do with the cartoon presented. personally as i see it, if one is not a terrorist or harboring one, then you need not worry. but that is just my opinion, nothing more.
