The sickness... I've got it so bad...


New member
Hi All,

Last month I picked up a Beretta 92A1. I've had it to the range a few times now and I'm getting the hang of it. I had three shots in a less than 2-inch group in the bulls-eye at 25 yards today! (Let's not talk about where the rest of the shots went).

For Valentines day, I bought my wife a Kahr T9, which she shot today for the first time. She's never fired a gun before, but she did great! I'm hoping she gets into the hobby as well, signs are positive so far.

Tonight I won a gunbroker bid on a Sig 1911 Extreme. I don't know what came over me. I handled a Sig 1911 Scorpion at the LGS today and I've been hankering for a 1911.

You guys told me about gunbroker. I made a few bids, you know, just for fun, and somehow I won the auction.

I keep telling my FFL guy that I won't be seeing him for a while. I hope this time it's true!


New member
Yeah I got it too, wish there was a cure... My wallet doesn't like me, when it grows usually a gun is bought. :rolleyes:


New member
I had the sickness earlier this month. I got a Stoeger Cougar and a Glock 27. I am in remission but the Doctor says it is likely to return.:)


New member
I have to fight the sickness all the time, though thankfully I'm also in remission. It's so easy to convince myself I need that PMR-30 but I've learned to ignore that voice :)


New member
I picked up a fairly expensive 1911 recently. The doctor prescribed a look at the credit card bill. I am happy to say I am now in remission until that bill loses at least 1 zero, preferably 2.
you know it's bad when your FFL asks you if you would mind waiting a couple of days picking up another one, so that he doesn't have to fill out the paperwork for a multiple gun purchase.


New member
Sorry to inform you there is no cure. But hey, welcome to the club of empty wallets! Take heart in what Jibber said ... we're stimulating the economy! (someone has to do it right?)

btw - my first pistol was the 92FS, love those 92's.:D


New member
Right there with you buddy. I just picked up my Beretta px4 .40 last week. I have been at the range almost every day. Have shot around 700 rounds out of it already. I need to slow down for sure. Contemplating my next purchase after the 30 day wait is over.
oh yeah. i don't even have to wait for a background check anymore. my ffl already has it called in. all i have to do is fill in the sheet and sign it.


New member
Yeah, I've been trying to figure thisn out for the past 4 years. In 2008 I purchased my first guns -- a CZ P-01 and a S&W revolver. I figured those would be the only guns I purchased for a long, long time. Four years later my collection has grown to include H&K, SIG, S&W 1911, Kahr pm9, Ruger LCR and a Browning Buckmark, plus 5 rifles. Why? I don't hunt. I can't carry in my homestate and obtaining handgun purchase permits is a pain the ass. One or two guns would certainly suffice for HD purposes and the occasional out of state carry. Just like em I guess.


New member
Yea Maryland truly truly sucks Dan. Background check, 7 day wait, once ownership is accepted another 30 days before your next purchase... EVERY SINGLE TIME!


New member
"The power of guns compels you"!

I can resist for only so long, then a sequence of events occurs whereby I am guided by the "invisible hand" into making a firearm purchase.