The Second Amendment Network?


New member
I would be the first to sign up for a TV network like this. It could have shooting competitions, product reviews, tips and techniques etc. Not to forget the CYA safety, safety, safety and safety. You could see exotic guns ,rare guns, big guns, little guns, heavy guns, ugly guns, junk guns, new guns, funny guns and guns just as long as they are guns; 24-7. I would have to go out and buy a TIVO so as not to miss any of the guns. There could be history lessons and politics. There could be reports about how guns save lives etc. Why doesn't someone start the Gun Network? Think of how many would watch and learn and how it would tee off the anti's. Come on what do you think! Instead of wasting a lot of time on safety just run a ticker across the bottom like on fox news. If done right it could really be a great thing.


New member
Given such a overwhelming response I guess that answers my question. This means cable and satellite tv watchers may not be ready for 24 hours of guns yet. I still have my hopes though. The XFL comes to mind for some reason. Oh well.


New member
I would definitely watch it, and I'm sure everyone on this board would watch it too. What you need to do is talk to all the gun zines and get them to set it up.