The Search Continues for the Perfect Summer Gun


New member
I put a Kahr CM9 in layaway at Bud's today, hoping it might be my "perfect" summer carry gun. I will get it out soon but have available gun funds committed to another gun.

I missed out a week or so ago when Bud's had one on their LEO site (I qualify but am not a police officer). I saw them Saturday, wanted to try one before buying, but they were gone Monday afternoon. They said they sold them all by Monday morning.

Anyway, saw the non-LEO price at Bud's website and went by there today. The gun felt right and the trigger felt right so I put it in layaway.

I like carrying 1911s but even the compact ones are bigger than I want to carry in the summer (shorts, t-shirts a lot of times). I have a Ruger LCP and Sig P238 for pocket carry but they are .380s, a little light for my tastes but acceptable. SW J-frames would do but they can be just a bit bulky in the pocket with certain clothing. My SW 3913 (9mm) is a great compact pistol but still a bit big for what I want.

I thought the Kimber Solo might work but the trigger appeared longer and heavier than I wanted, plus I have no love for Kimber.

Thought about the Kahr PM9 but didn't want to pay the bucks for a gun I might not like. I decided to wait until the CM9 was available.

So, could this be the end of my search for the "perfect" summer carry gun? I obviously can't say until I shoot it but I'm optimistic . . . until I see something else interesting. :)