The Same Post


New member
is it just me or does it seem like every post on this forum is "help me pick a 9mm" "which low cost handgun" "im new which gun should i get" etc etc etc???? kind of annoying especially when the search feature exists.

Unique 5.7

New member
Sure, these types of things are on all kinds of message boards. Sometimes the people HAVE done a search, but a particular question wasn't brought up or answered. Best just to ignore and not worry unless you want to give some advice. Also, people's particular circumstances differ, so while I might tell most everybody they should get a Beretta 92FS, I'll tell somebody with small hands or who can travel around the world with a gun (as in sailing) to get a Browning Hi Power.


New member
That doesn't bother me as much as those who refuse to be specific in their subject line about what they are inquiring about. Things like "Magazine problem" (For what pistol? I don't want to click on the link just to find out it's about an aftermarket magazine for a Colt discontinued 20 years ago) or "Just a got a....." (Why don't you tell us, why the guessing game?), or just plain "Need Help".

Fortunately, with the new board you can put the arrow on the thread and read a few sentences of what they say so you can figure out if it's something you're interested in or know something about.

I'm also annoyed by "What's the best" questions. Like "what's the best 1911 to get?" Obviously that's a question with no definitive answer as there's lots of good 1911s out there and there are a multitude of differing opinions. The worst is what SONICMASD says - "i'm new, what's the best gun to get?". How about a little info. on what you intend to use it for, price range you can afford, etc.??


New member
I don't mean to be controversial here but what I find annoying is when people complain about someone's post. For goodness sake, if you don't like it don't read it, after all isn't his forum here to help people, especially newcomers. Just my opinion.


New member
Yeah, I agree birddog1. If the post interests me I'll open it. If I think I can help or add something I will usually post a reply. Otherwise I pass. Not difficult to figure out, huh? ;)


New member

Change it, post a thread of your own that avoids those things you're grumping about...

BTW, looking at your list of "Threads started by..." I find: a Marlin 795 review (not the first here), and Fobus holsters and gun finish (kydex vs finish has been discussed more than a few times).


New member
>I hate trolls

So do I. We had one that lived under our porch when I was growing up, it used to sustain itself by eating stray cats and chipmunks. It used to terrify the mailman so bad that we had to go to the postoffice to pick up our mail.

The real breaking point of the whole situation was one day he decided to go after the newpaper boy. He cought him and gave him a pretty big bite and a helluva scare! The entire neighborhood turned out to chase the troll away. I cant tell ya how fun that was! There is nothing like a good ol' fashioned troll hunt to chase away the summer blues, eh?

But anyways, we chased the troll from under the porch, but like trolls are want to do, it slipped into the nearest storm drain. We tried luring it out with carrots and dead lizards, but the troll was too smart for us. So we had to smoke it out. We built a big ol bonfire at the exit and just waited till the whole sewer system was pouring out smoke. Finally after what seemed like many hours, the troll came out with red watery eyes and a coughing and hacking from all the smoke.

We decided that we didnt want to kill it, after all it was not troll hunting season, so we just put it in a passing box car. The troll went on to lead a pretty interesting life, but that is a story for another day.

Dave Sample

Well, I am glad to find out what a troll is. I have wondered about that since I got my first computer and went for the information overload. Thanks for the Troll Story!