The right to bear arms


New member
From one of Jeff Cooper's Commentaries:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Attorney William Burkett of the Oklahoma County Bar's education committee frequently speaks to school children about legal topics. When he addressed a class of fifth graders recently, he asked whether any of the students knew the punishment for stealing in some countries.

"Yes," one boy said. "They cut off your hands."

"Could that happen here?" Burkett asked, and the students replied with a chorus of "nos."

"Why not?" he said to a girl in the front row.

"Because," she said, "the Constitution gives us the right to keep our arms." [/quote]


"Because the state can no longer protect us from crime, it wants to take away from us the means of protecting ourselves. This is the logic of gun control." -- Joseph Sobran

[This message has been edited by pax (edited September 13, 2000).]