The Republicans Won


New member
Oh, it's rolling already!

Trent Lott was on the news talking about how the "Homeland Security" bill was going to get passed now and how it was first on the list. :barf:


New member
The election in Minnesota

We have a GOP-controlled Senate, which is good.

We didn't elect a retread-sixties-failure, which is good.

We elected a solidly pro-gun Governor, which is great - because we also picked up enough pro-gun votes in the Senate that we'll be able to pass shall-issue carry reform next session.

We passed the House overwhelmingly, and failed in the Senate with a tied vote, last session.

This year, we've replaced three of the four Republicans in the Senate who voted against the bill, and dumped a number of its most out-spoken opponents.

Deana Wiener stood up on the floor of the Senate, said "this vote will probably cost me my seat", and voted against the bill.

It did cost her her seat.

"Minnesota Concealed Carry Reform, Now!" is going to need a new name - it looks like the current one is going to be obsolete ;)


New member
Bronco- I would change "liberal" to "statist".

CMichael- Don't gloat too much...there isn't really a shortage of socialists in the world comrade.