The reliable handguns ... NOT

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New member
What's your least reliable handgun?

I've found the price-tag-principal doesn't apply 9mm High point is more reliable than Sig Mosquito (22), SW9VE, and Glock 26 (!!!??)!

I accidentally left both Glock 26 and High Point 9mm Compact out in my backyard after cleaning... after two cold night of snow & ice... the High Point fire without a hiccup and the Glock had 2 FTF.
It was my fault leaving my "babies" unattended --
Let's just say an incident involving an ambulance in which I was involved caused the scenario. I wasn't home for 2 days.

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New member
I was at my favorite gunstore/range the other day and one of the salespeople there came out of the range area with something interesting - a group of 4 9mm bullets lodged tightly end to end.

It seems that someone had been shooting a rental gun on the range and had fired a squib load without noticing, then proceeded to fire 3 more times into a clogged barrel, each bullet lodging up against the backside of the previous one until the shooter noticed something amiss and stopped to see why they weren't hitting the target anymore.

After dislodging the stuck bullets - now a tiny ballistic totem pole - and inspecting the gun they found that not only did the gun not blow up... the barrel showed no sign of bulging or damage as a result! even more amazing was the type of gun...

You may have guessed...


(i still dont want one, though)
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KC Rob

New member
I agree with the previous post, this thread should be about responsible gun ownership, not gun reliability. To say that a Hi-point is more reliable than a Glock is a stretch. One incident does not make a trend. If you bought a Hi-Point and enjoy it, great. The fit and finish alone of the Hi-point is enough to make me leery of its functionality.


New member
Reliability means different things. To one, the test is if it works ifyou craw through the mud with it. To another, the test is does it work after twenty thousand thousand rounds. One failure or one success does not mean that brand/model of handgun is more or less reliable than another.

I do not own a Glock and don't particularly like them because the ergonomics don't work for me. I do respect them, however, as some of the most reliable handguns built. I think Hi-Points fill a niche for lower cost but usually functional handguns. To put them in the same category as Glocks is absurd, however.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Well, that proves it for me. I'm selling my Glock and getting a Highpoint!:eek::rolleyes::barf:

Nah, I'll keep the Glock. I'll just have to be extra careful not to leave it outside for 2 days. That'll be a tough one.:rolleyes:


New member
I'm new here, so I'm not going to say what I really want to say.

You Left Your Guns Outside for Two Day In The Snow and Rain?

Did I read your post correctly?


Good Luck with that HighPoint....


New member
I'm also from Ohio, where exactly do you live as I would love to have a G-26?
Finders Keepers you know!:D
The only way my handgun would be left out in the yard is if my hip was surgically removed and tossed out there with it!


New member

Well, it was my fault.

Let's just say an incident involing an ambulance in which I was involved caused the scenerio. I wasn't home for 2 days.:eek:


New member
joh56usa said:
Well, it was my fault.

Let's just say an incident involing an ambulance in which I was involved caused the scenerio. I wasn't home for 2 days.

You didn't have a ND and shoot yourself while cleaning them did ya? :confused: I think that'd top this thread off. :eek:


New member
I accidentally left both Glock 26 and High Point 9mm Compact out in my backyard after cleaning... after two cold night of snow & ice... the High Point fire without a hiccup and the Glock had 2 FTF.

Hats off to you for admitting that...I don't think that I would've though.
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