The "refine" hogdogs project...


Staff In Memoriam
After seeing the blaser and airbrushed guns posted of late, I concede I am a redneck with deep pocket dreams and short arm syndrome (can't reach the money):eek:... I am willing to accept a gift of a "finer" type shotgun to see what it is all about. Nuttin' too fancy but a "classy" gentleman's gun of the readily available shell sizes either 20 or 12. Dig around yer safes and find the seldom shot banged up gun and give 'er a new home.:D Lord knows some of ya'll got extras:eek:
Anyway that is my humorous submission for today.


You start actually catching and selling them hogs, you'd be buying a nice Perazzi......custom fit.......fixed chokes or leather case..........SCO engraving............. ;)


Staff In Memoriam
At 50-100 per hog minus the average of 20 bucks gas and 20 bucks dog feed/expenses, I am a far piece from profitable. Gotta rebuild a solid team of bay dogs to find the hogs... Been thru a dozen junk dogs that couldn't smell a pig fart from 3 feet away in a little over a year! Frustrating I tell ya'! Just like fine guns, the sure 'nuff good dogs start at a grand for a puppy and 1,500 if he is started on hogs... And that is a minimum.


at about 23,000 for an SCO MX-28 weighing about 5.85 pounds in 28 gauge, that's a LOT of pork!....good thing there's no limit here in Florida........


Staff In Memoriam
Mike, On private land, hogs are considered "Feral Domestic Live Stock" "property of the landowner". If they are unwanted than they can give permission to anyone to assist eradication by any legal means. Traps, guns or dogs being the most common with poisoning being a very risky dangerous method. In fact, with owner's blessing of course, I can take an out of stater and they need NO permit or license whatsoever. I have an open invite to share the sport/method of runnin' dogs with folks that want to give it a try.
On WMA's the hogs are considered "property of the state" and are not limited in quantity but can only be taken during the various seasons... Archery, Muzzleloader and general gun for the most part.


New member
hogdogs said:
Been thru a dozen junk dogs that couldn't smell a pig fart from 3 feet away in a little over a year!
Brent, those sound like hogdog wannabes.
Sounds like there's more money in breeding good dogs than getting pigs.


Staff In Memoriam
The guys with the time and money to build a good pack of dogs then sell a few from each breeding are not shelling out so much from the household funds to pay expenses. Some are in it to just sell dogs but most make a breeding when they need young replacements and only sell a few to close friends for low bucks but if a guy like me needs a dog and ain't in their loop the price is right on up there. I know of several dogs that sold for 5,000 or more. transportation increases the cost a bit too.
The free dogs I get are like the "free tires" we know as "May Pops":eek: Most pop...


New member
Interesting stuff Brent / but it sounds like a way of life vs making a lot of money ( like a lot of farmers and ranchers these days ) - but good luck with it... / and I sense you have a good time with all of it.

However, in exchange for the gun - what do we get ?? At least a 10 year Tax Write-off of course ......but how about something substantial like :

a. you'll pick up all my hulls - clean - and reload them carefully
b. cleaning - and polishing shotguns would be nice
c. cleaning my shop would be nice too
d. pickup brass for handguns - and clean and load those too
e. cleaning the handguns would be good ..
f. am I leaving anything out ... on yeah, bacon and chops ....( a little country ham, maybe some sausage ....)


Staff In Memoriam
f. am I leaving anything out ... on yeah, bacon and chops ....( a little country ham, maybe some sausage ....)
That is the easy part for me to fulfill... If I take the pork to the local "butcher pen" as quarters or smaller, the price is under $.30 per pound and this includes smoking and sausage grinding/seasoning.