The reason it is futile to Boycott S&W

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The specialist

New member
That reason is quite clear. Many states are writing laws that require testing, and certain safety items on new guns. It is also quite clear that this is going to snowball. If you think that all of these manufacturers are going to make individual guns with different charectaristics for different states, think again. It is not smart business. These people are here to make money period. Just look at the Sig and Beretta websites. They are complying with laws from Mass., California, Maryland, and New York. That is five different designs of each model. In other words at some point they will either have to be a new universal standard set by the feds or the manufactures will close up shop in the USA. If you boycott S&W thats fine but you should also boycott Sig and Beretta for bowing in to the commie states. If you boycott them however you will be biting off your nose to spite your face. This would be a win for the antis for sure. Especially if other states pass similar regulations, which is bound to happen sooner or later. This seems to me to be a losing battle for us. Just my 2 cents.

Mal H

Moving to the General Discussion forum where all S&W boycott threads will reside in the future...
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