The reason it is futile to Boycott S&W

The specialist

New member
That reason is quite clear. Many states are writing laws that require testing, and certain safety items on new guns. It is also quite clear that this is going to snowball. If you think that all of these manufacturers are going to make individual guns with different charectaristics for different states, think again. It is not smart business. These people are here to make money period. Just look at the Sig and Beretta websites. They are complying with laws from Mass., California, Maryland, and New York. That is five different designs of each model. In other words at some point they will either have to be a new universal standard set by the feds or the manufactures will close up shop in the USA. If you boycott S&W thats fine but you should also boycott Sig and Beretta for bowing in to the commie states. If you boycott them however you will be biting off your nose to spite your face. This would be a win for the antis for sure. Especially if other states pass similar regulations, which is bound to happen sooner or later. This seems to me to be a losing battle for us. Just my 2 cents.

Mal H

Moving to the General Discussion forum where all S&W boycott threads will reside in the future...
The reason why it is NOT futile to boycott S&W...

S&W's agreement with the government has a LOT more to it than "smart gun" technology.

Items such as manufacturing semi-automatic handguns that are incapable of accepting PERFECTLY LEGAL high capacity magazines, which is nothing more than an attempted end run around Congress.

Or making the manufacturer the enforcement authority to ensure that its stocking dealers don't sell PERFECTLY LEGAL high-capacity magazines or what the government calls "assault weapons."

With all due respect, if you were to read the agreement that S&W signed with the government, you'd understand that it's not a single provision, or even two, that has upset many people.

It is the sum total of the agreememnt, the dangers it poses to gun owners, and the blatant attempt at using financial extortion and governmental fiat to jam down the throats of America's law-abiding gun owners what the Clinton administration couldn't pass in Congress.

Anyone can pick or choose a single point of this agreement and contrive an argument as to why something or some action is futile.

But that's simply not the point.

Winston Wolf

New member
... No Slack,

Not one dime of mine will go towards a S&W OR Kimber.
Especially while we have entities like Para-Ordnance, Armalite, Les Baer just to name a few that won't buckle to the last admins pressure.

Jeff Thomas

New member
It's not futile, but I'm tired of arguing about it.

And, if it is futile, then the folks that think S&W is still just peachy shouldn't be troubled by the boycott ...

Regards from AZ


I agree with Jeff and will continue to boycott S&W.Sounds like too many people saying its ok for any company to do what they want and we have no say.Sorry we do and it called a boycott.
People can up with many reasons for people not to own firearms too and many look valid on the face.If you want to buy S&W go on I can't stop you but I don't have to talk to you anymore either.
I am totaly frustrated with people who will not stand up for anything.I hope the barb wire casterates all of them.They are out of the gene pool then.


New member
What I'd really like to do is get my hands on as many S & W's as I could, take them out to the middle of Boston Harbor on a three masted sailing ship, and dump them overboard. It would be nice to do it with 1,776 of them.

Wonder if anyone would get the message?


New member
Specialist, you're right!

Fellas, with all due respect, they are ALL prostitutes. You will still get the crabs no matter which one you sleep with. That's why my wheelguns have been and remain S&W.

Wake up and smell the coffee! :D


New member
Just think, if we had believed it was futile and forgone the boycott, ALL manufacturers would be bound by the agreement. Other gun manufacturers have admitted they were thinking about signing something comparable but turned tail when they saw public reaction. And under the terms of the agreement, if enough sign on, it becomes binding to all (massive legal violation there but who cares as it's the government doing it, right?). So, if we had only seen the futility of our actions,

As for more and more states passing legislation, guess what? If it passes, it'll be because gun owners said "it's futile to fight." Here in TN, there is 0% chance of crap like this passing because us ole' guntoting hicks would clean house at the mention of it. As for companies complying with the law, let's see: a company complies with a law it had no say in in order to continue selling products, versus a company who agrees with and consents to a radical alteration of its customers' rights in order to get preferential treatment. Hmmm? Not much of a comparison there.

*&* is a whore who sold out not for protection from litigation, but to get preferential treatment on gov't contracts. I'm just glad to see that Congress shut that down. It's not a victim; it's the conspirator who held down the public's arms while the feds tried to do to us what Clinton did to Juanita Broderick.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
So just because we can't put S&W out of business... its futile. They are too big. They are too powerful. We can't win.

Screw that noise. It isnt about putting S&W out of business... Its about sending S&W a loud fiscal message. We are sending it and it IS getting through. The biggest jerk already bailed out... and every one is saying that it was ALL HIM.
Do you guys really think he left on his own? They needed a scapegoat, a patsy... They forced him out and tried to hang all the guilt on him making him the villan - putting a former Ranger in his place and waving a flag. That still doesnt work. It isnt good enough.
I don't want to see this and I dont like the song and dance they and all the gun rags are playing. They are behaving like Liberals and thinking we are too stupid to see past the disinformation. S&W is lying. They forced the one guy out - but gave him a real plush job with another division. Thats not punishment... thats a vacation. Screw that.
If it really WAS all him - S&W's Shark Tank, I mean Lawyers on retainer would have made for a reversal of THE AGREEMENT instead of not only keeping it - but feeding it.

If S&W wants my business - they need to be on knees right now. I want reversals and remorse. I want pain and suffering not posturing and puffing. They are tossing a lot of cash at the rags to print Pro Smith drivel... When what they need to to is take out a One Page Ad in every rag with a statement to all the Gun Owners and Shooters in the USA saying that They are Sorry, the Agreement in void, and to make it up, with every 50% off pistol you buy you get a hat and a freakin Leather Jacket or something.
They took away from us something special - The History of one of the oldest and proudest gun companies in America. Each of us should feel insulted at these slaps in the face we are getting. We have a right to be indignant and take offense. S&W can bite me. S&W can either plead for my mercy or they can roll over and die.

Dispite the claims of futility S&W remains a gun company.
With out dollars from gun buyers S&W WILL die. Colt has been in death throes for a long time... it remains on an IV. S&W is weakening and withering... it wont die soon - it takes TIME to kill a company thats what? over a hundred years old? Takes time - but it can and will die.
Kimber's Slides can be contracted to someplace else. Cops can buy handcuffs from Peerless or Galls (I love the peerless cuffs)... The S&W knives are crap anyway and you can get a better Spyderco cheaper... S&W will shrink to the equivilent of an IV sedated cancer patient... they might not die... but they wont be able to recover either.


New member
It is not futile. There is no way that an RFP could be written to exclude all suppliers but S&W and if the purchase was sole-sourced without a competitive bid the cities and states would be in violation of all sorts of federal and state fair competion laws. There are too many makers that can supply guns with equal or better features to S&W for S&W to win on any pretext but price.

In short, S&W will still have to buy their business with sharp pencils and good deals. If they do not, there will be immediate court challenges to every contract awarded.


New member
Slow pain :(

Hey even if their profits drop 1or2%, the way big companies
operate thats a lot of pain.



New member

I hate to be an A.H. but, S&W has a new president. If he winds up being PRO-GUN then we should go back to S & W.

True, this is an ECONOMIC ISSUE in adition to a 2 Amendment issue but, if the new S&W president is with us then we should not put all their factory people out on the street.