The proper ammo --


New member
I was just given a sweet little Beretta auto, model 950 B, cal .22 short, will these also fire a "long" and is the "long" even still available ? I've not seen any .22 short or long ammo ---I'm very aware of the current .22 ammo shortage and I have a small stash of .22 long rifle but I'll need some shorts for this one ---John


New member
22 short is the shortest of them.

Next is 22 long, and the longest is 22 long rifle.

So you need 22 short for that pistol. I have seen it around from time to time. It's not in big demand so it gets made less. Online is the best bet to find some.

As far as the shortage, it's waned for my area. I find 22 pretty regularly, and bulk 22 often enough. Prices vary, from $30-50 for a brick of 500 average grade stuff, though match stuff is expensive.


New member
DA/SA, thanks, I'll give those guys a try---- can ammo be shipped to your address ? --- I've never bought ammo online ----- this is the gun my wife has wanted for years and then to get this exact gun from a new neighbor is almost unbelievable, but all she had was the six rounds that are in the clip --she has no idea where her husband had hidden the rest of the box---thanks for the help ---John


New member
Most places do allow you to receive ammo at your home address.

I think a couple municipalities have recently made laws against it, but your location is most likely fine.

Any company that is selling ammo online has to follow the laws and will not send ammo anywhere it's not allowed.


New member
As of 5 minutes ago, Cabela's has CCI 29 grain .22 Short ammunition selling at $9.99 a box. What's nice right now is that you can buy 5 boxes of 100 per order, instead of the usual 1 box per order. Here's the link below:

Unfortunately, the ammo that Cabela's has in stock is .22 Short CB which is a "low noise" load and, as such is also low velocity and unlikely to cycle most semi-auto's like the OP's Beretta. Here is the product description from CCI's website:


New member
Most places do allow you to receive ammo at your home address.
Really?.......What's your definition of "most"?
An awfull lot of online ammunition places from the big box stores like Bass Pro, and Cabellas, to shooting supply places like Midway USA, and Geaf & Sons.
Plus a whole bunch of on-line stores all sell a lot of ammo that is dilivered to somebody's home!
As noted in the link, even in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, far from a 2A friendly place, ammo can be shipped directly to a priate party as loing as they fax a copy of their permission slip to exercise their Constitutional rights (FOID card)
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New member
Cheapshooter, I think he's agreeing with you right? "most" not don't.

Only time I was hesitant about ordering to where i was living was the last time I lived in an apartment. Packages went to the office. The office lady said "whatever that is, it's HEAVY". Good thing I didn't start reloading until I moved out. 50 lbs of lead projectiles.


New member
"DO ALLOW". i think that was your mistake, unless i'm missing your point...

yes, most places will ship to your home address depending on your state laws

44 AMP

The .22 Long has a longer case, and a bit more powder than the .22 short but uses the 29gr "short" bullet. IF your gun is marked .22 Short, that is all it should chamber. The Long case is too long for the short chamber.

.22Long, Rifle now just the .22 long rifle or .22LR uses the Long case, but it's own 40gr bullet (standard loads, different bullets are now available)
ALSO too long to fit the Short chamber.

A .22LR WILL chamber the Long and the Short rounds. SOME guns will feed all three, some will chamber them but not feed the shorter rounds. All depends on the action type. Generally tube magazine fed will feed all three, box magazines will not.

Generally. There are likely exceptions.


New member
Sometimes sentences get structured outside the norm, and that can cause misreading.

I tend to structure out of the norm from time to time.


New member
jrhilde, considering the fact that 22 short ammo is impossible to get, will never be made again, and you are stuck with an old, obsolete firearm which you will never be able to shoot, and enjoy, I'm sure if you contact me we can make some sort of deal to take your Jetfire off your hands. :D:D:D

Don't know why, but I have been getting interested in downsizing calibers lately. Still have my big boomers, and still enjoy them, but I've been having lots of fun with a NAA 22Short Mini Revolver, and a couple 410 shotguns I recently bought. Kinda keping an eye out for a 22 Short auto to join them.
Jrhilde, you have a fun little pistol there, order some ammo, and enjoy it!:D


New member
Cheapshooter said:
jrhilde, considering the fact that 22 short ammo is impossible to get, will never be made again, and you are stuck with an old, obsolete firearm which you will never be able to shoot, and enjoy, I'm sure if you contact me we can make some sort of deal to take your Jetfire off your hands.

I expected better from you Cheapshooter.

The Model 950B in 25ACP is the Jetfire. The 950B in 22 Short is the Minx.

OP, I own a Minx, and I would not attempt to load anything other than 22 short ammo. I have picked up bricks of it on rare occasions, last time was at WalMart. Look around, and you should be able to find some.

If I remember right, the 950B was made in Italy (as opposed to the 950BS made in the US) and should only have the half-cock hammer safety (the 950BS has a thumb safety). Do you have the typical 2" barrel or the really oddball 4" barrel? Pics?


New member
I expected better from you Cheapshooter.

The Model 950B in 25ACP is the Jetfire. The 950B in 22 Short is the Minx.
Yup, senior moment. Been having a few of those lately. I probably was still thinking about, and regretting, a Jetfire I hesitated on, and missed a few months ago. :D:D:D