The President's hands??

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New member
Wasn't it great watching President Bush declaring the Olympic Games open, while standing among the young female athletes, and not wondering if he was trying to grope them?


New member
Yes it was. And here's a joke that I'm sure the moderators will only tolerate for a couple of hours:

GW and Bill Clinton happen into the same barbershop one afternoon. The animosity is thick in the air, and the barbers are afraid to say anything.

As the barbers finish up, the first asks Clinton if he'd like some aftershave lotion applied. "Oh, no," he says. "My wife will smell that and think I've been to a brothel."

The other barber asks GW about the aftershave lotion. "Sure, go ahead," he says. "My wife doesn't know what a brothel smells like."


New member
I thought it was ironic at the end of the ceremonies when he was standing in that group of girls all wearing the black berrets.



New member
I enjoyed it when the skater Sasha Cohen handed him her cell phone and he started talking to the person on the other end. What a great, unscripted moment.


New member
I literally stopped and thanked God that when they spoke about the President of the United States, I was looking at a man I can respect.

Not always thrilled with him. Think America can do better. But I wasn't ashamed to have him called President. I wasn't watching that sickening smirk on the TV screen.

That's wonderful.

P.S. It was cool seeing the fireworks on TV, then running out on the back deck with the kids and seeing them in person, maybe 9 miles away.

The Terminator

New member
I was looking at a man I can respect.

ME TOO! I have the deepest respect for GW, and I have respect for the Office. God bless him in these terrible times.
What really impressed me was the fact that in the past, every official who has declared the games open has done so from some sort of box, nice and removed and sterilized.

I was incredibly impressed (and so was Jim Mackay) that Bush went down among the athletes, and then stayed there with them.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
a Box would have made him a better target.. more secure to keep him moving around...

apart from the "local colour" I though it was pretty sacryn and tacky.. I checked my blood sugar and it was sky high half way through. (I used to know a Olympic Gold Medalist and her team doctor husband.. the stories they told!)

I wonder what GW thinks of NBC calling the Munich Terrorists "Commandos"?


New member
I told my wife that it was so refreshing to see the President wading into a crowd of athletes. You would never see Clinton "kissing the mark" as it were. He would never allow our smell to rub off on him.

I'm sure that there were secret service agents in the mix also but that is to be expected.

I, too, loved that moment when the girl handed her cell phone to him and he just struck up a conversation with whomever was on the other end. He is a real human being.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Did GW bite his lip any time last night? That's what I really miss. :p

Dick, that wasn't so bad ... But Deputy Vaughn and the black berets, now that was risque!;)

Errr, ... Is this thread off topic?


New member
Dubyah is the man...a total 180 from Slick Willie....I'm like some others he isn't prefect, but very respectable.....I thinks we should keep him around for awhile.....:D :cool: :D

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Plus! Did you notice the Super Bowl thing?

When they put Clinton up on the big screen there were LOTS of BOOOOOO's from the crowd.:p I had the "flu" really bad, but the BOOOOOO's made me LMAO.



New member
I didn't particularly care for GW at first. Looking back on Presidents, and Texas Governors, a good one doesn't indicate a good other. GW was a good governor precisely because he did very little. We like that here in Texas (or at least everyone in my circle likes elected officials to do very little).

With each action he takes, I first become critical of it. I think we should all look upon elected officials with a critical eye. I can honestly say that Ronald Reagan did a HUGE ammount of damage to us, and liberty. I don't like the notion of two factions trying to win elected office for the sole purpose of inflicting government on the losing faction. We all lose.

GW can't speak very well in front of the cameras. He is not the great orator of JFK, RR, or even BC (puke, gag- but he was a decent speechafier). GW is HUGELY intellegent though, and his actions speak so much further than his words. I believe he may end up being the single greatest president of the last 150 years. Following the past regime only stands to make him look even greater for his integrity, and intellect.

I took my kids to Austin when they were studying Texas History in Elementary school. I wanted them to see the various documents and pictures that are in their books and connect the photo's with something real that they could touch. Upon walking up the steps to the capitol building, GW was walking out with his DPS escort (one man), and I pointed him out to my daughters and told them "there's the governor". They doubted me, and said na ah. GW paid attention to that, walked over and gave them both a hug, and offered to take a picture with them (he was apparently taking a lunch break and on his way to the governors mansion adjacent to the capitol). We took pictures, and I thanked him for his time. The amazing thing was that he was so real. He's not full of himself, and really enjoys people.

That was prior to his announcement to run for President, but it was still neat for two little girls to meet the governor. Now they can say they've met the President, and have pictures to show it.

GW has my vote next election. Depending on how serious the rest of the Republican Party gets on Liberty, he may be the only Republican to get my vote.


New member
A friend of mine was at the Fort Bend County Fair (TX) opening day parade, long before GW even thought about running for President. The Governor (GW) was walking along in the parade, stopping along the way to shake hands, give hugs, and chat with the people. My friend (in true form) ran up with her kids and said, "look kids, here's the next President of the United States." GW blushed and gave her that "aw shucks" look, hugged the kids, gave her a peck on the cheek, and moved on. At that moment, she knew she was right. BTW, she is not even remotely a Republican...she just knew he was an honorable man.

I got to see GW when he came to our church to speak during a Saturday service (right about the time he announced his intention to run for POTUS). What you see it what you get...what a concept.

Ed Dixon

New member
"Connections" to get into schools. "Connections" to stay out of Vietnam. "Connections" to get into politics. In bed with oil companies instead of bimbos. He's my president too and I support him, but playing let's pretend doesn't do any good. Clinton proved himself a sleazy liar, but another Republican fairy tale isn't the counter to that. Colin Powell makes them both look like dwarfs.
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