The Pink Pistols

David Scott

New member
I respect and support anyone who stands up for lawful self-defense. Who they sleep with is none of my business.

Gays and lesbians can be considered at higher risk of violent assault than the general population. The same goes for convenience store clerks, cabdrivers, and pizza delivery folks. IMHO, everybody has the right to armed self-defense, those who are at higher risk ought to have special programs like this. I checked out their website at and there is some very good stuff, especially the "Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges" page, which is sage advice for everyone regardless of orientation. Their list of anti-gun celebrities and companies is impressive.

Those of you who are certified instructors (and I'm sure there are some here) and who want to do some pro bono work might consider contacting Pink Pistols and volunteering your services.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
At the Fall 2000 rally near the State Capitol, Pink Pistols fielded 80%+ of their local membership. That's not bad! They also had brochures ready. Their membership mirrors JPFO: maybe 50/50 GLBT/other. They have a mailing list which is quite informative.

Here's a hat of one of their members as seet at the rally: