The perfect range!


New member
Larry's thread got me thinging. We have alot of experiance here so what would you say makes, or would make, the perfect range? Skip the, in my backyard, I can do what ever I want stuff. Thats a given. In a commercial situation, what do you think would make the perfect range set up for you. If you know of such a Nirvana where is it and what kind of industry do they have near by for employment?LOL!:D


New member
[In best homer simpson voice] mmmmmm.......swedish bikinki team with guns........mmmmmm


New member
One of the best i've seen and shot at was, the one that Gunslinger took us too for EOSM #1.

It was run and built by Mo. state conservation comm.

Everything about it was excellent, facilities, overall layout, saftey procedures. All, for 3 dollars an hour to shoot at!!!

I wish Iowa had a range such as this. Made me think about how much it would cost to build.

That would be heaven;) Making a living running a shooting range!


New member
TV cameras in each stall that is focused on the shooter's target. No more reeling back and forth or walking to and from the target to see how well you did. Like what the Olympic shooters use.

Stalls at least 4' wide with a permanent bench on one side.

Bullet proof stall dividers.


New member
Swedes with CZ's? How about 6 foot German Ubermodels named Heidi with HK's? Das Goot, ya? :)

That will make you want to go down to the range everyday...

And for the ladies... Firemen. Women have some sort of natural affinity towards firemen. Firemen with guns.. That seems to satisfy 90% of the women I know.

Video camera's are great, so you can see your target without reeling the target in, or at least take a peek to see what you shot. But I'd prefer an Ubermodel with a scope telling me in a nice accent, "A little to the left darling..." :cool:
