The only thing worse than a dragon...


New member
... is an American. :D

For those that haven't seen "Reign of Fire" yet, you're missing some neat eyecandy. Seems like most everyone wondering around ol' Britain is carrying a FAL of some sort (L1A1, I presume?), a couple hunting rifles, and not a single .223 in sight. Wussiest chambering around were a couple AKs in the background.

So.... how do ya think a .308 would hold up against a 20-ton firebreathing critter? Do I hear.... "run and hide?" :p


Nanaimo Barr

New member
or "Eight Legged Freeks". so far my wife has decided she wants at least a flame thrower. or "that cool gun Jessie had in Predator"

(she really doesn't like spiders)

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Right here... :D That's it. I'm shaving my head again.

Maybe I'll go catch it tonight...
Anyone use any outragously huge spear as in "Dragon Slayer"?
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New member
There were quite a few M-4 copies floating around I thought. McConaghey (sp?) carries one on his back and the helicopter pilot used one to distract the male toward the end.

I think the good old Ma Deuce with armor piercing rounds would be a beginning. A ZSU-23-4 wouldn't be a bad idea either. ;)
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New member
What's that electric Gatling gun the Navy mounts on ships? A Vulcan? That, complete with depeleted uranium projectiles, would be nice.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Cool flick. I like it. But I have some issues.
Guns don't kill dragons, but a harpoon and Ol' Duke's of Hazzard arrows do?

While I liked the movie for the characters and the dragons - the plot makes some major leaps of reason.
Problem 1. The military can't figure out how to get the dragons, but some bumpkins do?
Problem 2. Where did all the adults go at the castle? One minute you have all of them partying and the next its just two and a bunch of kids.
Problem 3. The movie posters show Apache Longbow attack helicopters... I was expecting to see a couple Apaches dancing with the dragons. Didn't happen. Disappointed. The only chopper is a "Slick" with no guns. Lame.
Problem 4. Kill the boss dragon and all the other little dragons just evaporate? There was thousands of them. Where did they go?
Problem 5. Dragon's eat ash? Or Meat? I thought they ate virgins.
Problem 6. Where did these cats get all the fuel for the bird and the trucks and a Chieftain tank? These guys can't even grow anything but some tomatos and cabbage - but they can distill booze and evidently fuel at will.
Problem 7. The big daddy dragon is almost as big as a castle and has the wingspan of what looked like the buckingham palace or what ever that is, but then conviently shrinks down to easy archery targets for Hazzard County arrows.
Problem 8. Gabriel survived 8 years as an "Archangel" jumping missions like that? Where did he go if he is that baddass?

The head scary bald guy in charge - You could get the feeling that he cared about his men. That's good. A good quality for a leader. But the man has no skills as a military commander. His battle plans were a little retarded. He lost EVERYONE in 1 single pass by 1 single dragon? Yeah, they musta been good troops. It's a wonder they made it as far as they did. And for a dragon that can turn a Chieftain into slag with one blast - how come it didn't get Quinn who just ducked behind what looked like a garbage dumpster?

Anyways, other than those notes... Here is another:
Dragons are pretty tough beasts.
Yet I think .50BMGs would do well against them if they had hit one with them. So would LAW rockets and Bofors and Recoiless Rifles, and 105 & 120 Smooth-bores... Even 40MM from an M203 would do just fine.
In those cases - how come the Military and Police didn't kick Dragon Arse?
Oh, that's right... They were in England. Evidently we kicked there arses here in the states, ran out of Dragons to hunt, and had to fly over to England to get a few more trophies.
Leave it to the Brits to hang on long enough for Americans to come and bail there arses out.
Give it a couple more years and we Yanks would have the dragon issue sorted out...
The only problem we would have after that is dealing with that Aussy nutcase trying to get bit by one for his TV show...
"Crickey! This Dragon is REALLY PISSED NOW!"

I think we TFL'ers would have made short work of Dragons and we would all be wearing Dragon Hide Leather Jackets, Boots, Belts and Holsters. Heck, just the Utah Chapter of TFL would have made MINCE MEAT out of them Dragons. Heck, Correia alone could take one on head to head... taunting it "Get in me Belly!" And then when the dragon swoops down, Larry would pump 20 rounds of .308 AP through it's eye sockets. Done. There's one Dragon down. Then we have Pvt Pyle - who would snipe them out of the air. I think we would be grilling some Dragon meat before the sun set. Breathing fire? Feh... we have Utah Summers. We're used to the heat already. You guys could order TFL / MOLONE LABE Dragon Leather swag by the month's end.


New member
Tastes like chicken.

You REALLY need to add a little Dave's Insanty Sauce and some Shiner Bock tho...


New member
Us Chinese folk used to fend them off with the world's first rocket propelled arrows and MRLS systems--arrows stuffed in baskets with gunpowder, kind of like an ancient Chinese spudgun.

Mark D

New member
I don't understand why the militaries of the world had a problem with the dragons. If an AB-109 (I think that's what the chopper was) can outrun a dragon, I wouldn't think they would be much of a problem for military air defence.


The Americans flew a tank, four APC's and a helicopter across the atlantic in a C-5, unrefueled, on two engines?!?!?! I would have believed a container ship with good AAA, but not a two-engine C-5.

Beyond that. It was a cool movie.

"God bless the country that still has heros! And pity the country that needs them."

Christopher II

New member
Good flick, but too short (I don't say that too often.) Needed more dragon-fighting. A motorcycle vs. dragon chase scene would have been cool beyond words.

The military would have had no problem with dragons as depicted. Yeah, they're tough and smart, they breathe fire and have good eyesight, but a quad-fifty loaded up with Raufoss PIE rounds would have reduced the big flying iguana to smoldering beastie chunks in short order.

I wonder, would a FIM-92 be of any use against a cold-blooded flying lizard? You could mount two on a Hughes 500 and have an anti-dragon aerial platform. Hmmm.

- Chris


New member


New member
I just saw the movie.

I'm sorry, that was pretty dumb. I mean, all of our technology and anti aircraft weapons (heat-seeking missiles couldn't home in on a FIRE BREATHING MONSTER??) were useless, but a crossbow with a grenade on it works??

Yeesh. :rolleyes: