The ongoing diet proceeds...


New member
Need advice...

Okay - I'm down to 285, from 380... when I hit 100 down, it's time for a new toy...

I'm trying to decide...

1. Savage 12BVSS-S in .223

2. Barrels to fit an existing Savage, in 6BR (slow twist) and 6/284 (fast twist)

3. A 6/284 barrel for my Stolle Panda BR rifle

4. A Nikon 35mm and "all purpose" lens


New member
Bogie: Congratulations. That is a significant accomplishment. Any tips for the rest of us ?


New member

As for the new toy, just strike the camera junk of the list right now...but don't tell Oleg I said that. :) Get the new rifle!

- Gabe


New member
Outstanding job.
I quit(briefly :( ) smoking a few years ago using the same reward type of system. Pick the "reward that's in the middle, and leave the one you want the most for last.
Way to go Bogie!!!

I'm in the weight loss zone, too.

For every pound that I lose, I'm throwing $5 into a kitty.

If I regain weight, and then lose it again, I count those pounds again.

So far I'm down about 20 pounds, and have $145 in the kitty. Yep, I was having some ups and downs. :)

I figure by the time I reach my goal weight, I'll have close to $600 in the kitty.

That will give me MORE than enough to buy the older S&W Model 25 in .45 Long Colt that I've always wanted.


New member
Congratz! I also have lost 60 pounds. For those that ask for tips, here you go:
I eat a variety of whatever I want, I just eat less! I have embraced the feeling of being hungry as the feeling of "victory". The more I lose, the more I love feeling hungry becasue I know that when I get on the scale in a few days, it will read another pound less, and that feeling it THE BEST! You just have to decide that losing weight is more important than overeating and every time you eat make the decision to eat less than you are used to.
When I eat, I eat whatever I want so that I feel satisfied not being deprived, but I eat LESS, and I tell myself "you can eat more in a few hours, just stop for now and look forward to eating more later". It works! I am down to %19 bodyfat, not bad at all.

And don't forget some moderate exercise....20-40 minutes of MODERATE exercise almost every day. Don't kill yourself, just go for a walk. Consistency is the key.


New member

Down 65 myself. Atkins with slight modifications. Have spent three years on it and know the noise about gaining it back is no more true than for any other diet.

For those who asked, pick a regimen you can live with and that works for you. Be patient. Never let it go.

Point Blank

New member
Man!!! Congrats...go all out,reward yourself!! I myself have swelled to a greasy 335# (6'1) and need to go on a diet also.:eek:


New member
I've been living a variant of the Atkins diet - Very low carbohydrates, etc...

When I hit 140 down, I'm getting a new benchrest rifle - This is merely intermediate...

I'm leaning either toward the camera (used to shoot for a living), or the two Savage barrels myself...


Staff Alumnus
Congrats Bogie and keep up the good work! I have the opposite problem, I can't keep weight on my frame. I can gain it by eating A LOT and drinking those weight gaining shakes but lose it the minute I stop drinking them.

My metabolism is so high, I can't eat enough (small stomach too). I'm 5'5" and the most I ever weighed was about 145 lbs. I'm now around 120. I just gave up and happy to be lean and physically fit.

The slimmer you get, the more options are open to you for CCW. I can conceal just about any handgun with my frame and the right attire.

To answer your question, get the camera. That way, you can use it throughout the year and also take pictures of your new guns and of yourself when you reach your weight goal.

With any diet, one must not only eat moderately but also exercise. Also drink lots of fluids and I don't mean soda or any of those magical energy drinks (filled to the "T" with sugar) either!

Again, keep up the good work. You’ll feel so much better in the LONG run (more energy and self-esteem too)!


New member
Thanks for the tips. I have done the Atkins Diet several times before. Since about age 35, I have been on the diet rollar coaster. I go up and down about 40 pounds every year. I know this is very bad, I know I need to change my eating habits permenatly......... I am now at one of these weight peaks. When I come back from vacation in about two weeks, I am going to be back on the straight and narrow. What makes me really sick is that I worked out for well over a year every day. When I came back from elk hunting last September, I decided to take a little break. Eat whatever I wanted and not exercise. Needless to say, I didn't just fall off the wagon, it ran me over. This has to stop.